Hi All,
I'm a brand new Beekeeper based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
Never kept bees before, but something I have always wanted to do. I have purchased and built a Flow Hive, no bees yet - just waiting for my NUC Box to be delivered.
Joined my local bee keeping society and looking forward to joining some classes, once lock down is lifted. Done a load of reading/watching videos to learn what i can.
Looking forward to learning a lot from this community.
Take care
Hi Lee
Marmite and Honey - I hope you had a good season, and I'd be interested to know how you've got on with the Flow Hive.
I too have an original 6 flow frame super on 8 frame Lang Brood.
My main concern with it is the size of the brood box, at 49000 cells.
This is small it terms of modern UK colony needs - 14 x 12 are very popular with brood cell count of 80000. National at 54000 cells, seem to need a 2nd brood box, and I don't like the idea of 2 box inspections.
As you've found out 8 frame Langstroth hive parts are not generally available here in UK, while 10 frame hives are widely available.
Flow now recommend their 7 frame super on a 10 frame brood for colder climates. 10 frame Lang brood box has 61000 cells, and the jumbo brood has 85000.
I've modified a 10 frame jumbo Lang brood box to fit mine with 8 frames giving about 68000 cells.
As others and Flow suggest, don't put the super on until the brood box is established. Keep an eye on the flow frames and empty when they are capped. Pop a standard 8 frame super on for them to fill with winter stores if you wish.
Put a hose on the tube and a pest proof lid on you collection jar - and enjoy the girls hard work.
And as others say if you can avoid the rapeseed, and ivy at the other end of the season getting into the flow frames that'll be good - but if not don't worry too much, leave them as stores or wash out with really hot water.
Hope some of that helps.