Nectar arriving

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Field Bee
May 29, 2010
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Yes, I know this is a stupid question (dons tin hat). Is there any way by outside hive observation (mode of flight etc etc) that you can tell if bees are bringing nectar in?:iamwithstupid:
Thanks for that. I asked because they seemed to be going like crazy today. Lots more activity than usual on the landing boards; and I don't want to open up the hives for another week.
Watch for bees arriving "bum down" and which appear to land "splat" they are laden with the golden treasure.

Also once they have unloaded they exit the hive like a bullet out of a gun when a good flow is on.
May also see House bees come out to meet them to 'unload' rather than going inside if the flow is good....quick turnaround.

Pop round at dusk and you can see the bees fanning like mad at the hive entrance and smell the honey in the air ...
Previously I had lots of bees at the pond and not that many going anywhere else.

Now I have lots going everywhere, but few if any coming to the pond.

I interpret this as previously there was little nectar available so they were using stores (diluting down to be useful). Now there is loads of nectar so they are getting rid of water rather than taking it in.

I guess this is only useful if you know where your bees get their water . . .

Or they have found a better pond? Yep, getting enough water in the nectar they are feeding the brood with. Probably not much water to get rid of unless they are processing nectar into honey, or it is being used to cool the hive!

Regards, RAB
I have built a wildlife pond at work, it's close to an apiary, and almost as soon as the first lot of water went in the bees were there in their hundreds, I had to rescue several from the water, as it got established we got blanket weed galore, so I hoiked it out to the side (to let any pond insects time to crawl away), the bees loved that even more, it must have been like sucking a sponge, all the moisture, none of the danger! I love my pond and I love those bees.
We have been there 5 years with only one student being stung and that was when she leant on one.

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