I'd be grateful if we could have some figures on the amount of stores used per day if bees are kept inside. Such information is much more useful than telling beginners to check. What are they going to check for?
ie 8 frames of bees in a national deep would consume 1 frame of stores per day.
Only with that kind of information can a beginner determine if their hive has enough stores to last the (for example) 4 forecast bad days.
Also, could someone confirm the worst scenarios for over feeding. So far all I can think of is
1) block up the hive, no space to lay, swarm instinct kicks in.
2) take up unnecessary space where the queen cannot now lay = slower expansion
Again, there is a balance to be struck, judgement call to be made, but without the full implications of each action a beginner cannot be expected to make a properly balanced call. For example, if the worst case scenario for over feeding is a potential to swarm or slower build up, and the worst case for under feeding is the bees starve and all die, then, on balance, if in doubt I would feed.