Name and shame bad management"

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Our Inspectors are hired for their beekeeping skills, not as educators, but there is an increasing awareness that their people skills & 'hive-side education' abilities are key parts of the job. It is true that the Inspectors can and do include talks & demonstrations to associations as work hours, which I fully support. I don't think they'll ever morph into mobile mentors, but much of the good rapport that they have fostered comes down to how they approach people and their ability to include a bit of gentle training and skills transfer rather than just inspecting and announcing problems and solutions.

I welcome the inspectors and always pick up some tip or snip of information. I'm not sure if they realise that they are also educating me as well as looking after the well being of my colonies.

This year she said i had nice calm and healthy looking bees as well as clean hives so i was pleased with that.
Not entirely profit ?
Don't forget the public liability cover for third parties against damages from bees and also hive products to the tune of £5,000,000 .
This has to be vectored in . I suspect it would show in the accounts if the risk were laid off. (in bookie terms ) ?

I believe that third party public liability cover and hive products insurance has exactly nothing to do with the BDInsurance; that is a separate entity,

I pay the minimum mandatory BDI and am consciously in breach. BDI Ltd imply that members are obliged to pay for the extra colonies that they own. So sue me!

I feel no such obligation and while they are at it, perhaps they should begin to meet the obligations of their own and start funding some research into Bee Diseases.
I pay the minimum mandatory BDI and am consciously in breach. BDI Ltd imply that members are obliged to pay for the extra colonies that they own. So sue me!

Surely they won't need to it will be like any other insurance you haven't revealed the full facts so the insurance is void.
Originally Posted by DanBee
The best information a beginner can be given is to ask around to find a reputable supplier and this applies to far more than just beekeeping. You point out in your example that the local grapevine knows who the iffy beekeeper is and where he operates (and more beyond!) - most beekeeping associations are just the same. This forum is a case in point: beginners taking the time to ask "where should I buy a nuc from" this summer would have seen a number of threads advising extreme caution with a small number of unreliable sellers.

There are a number of issues with coming down hard on a small number of rogues. The first is that there needs to be proof of a knowledge that the colonies were diseased, then that this was concealed. To use a "three strikes and you're out" approach would require changes to legislation, and would risk forcing some fairly shadowy characters further from view. It also needs to be able to deal differently with those who are incompetent or unobservant from those who are deceitful

Danbee your posts a pleasure to read.

BUT don’t let’s tar and feather every breeder.
I know of a commercial beekeeper who makes his living as a sole trader by selling live bees, he has records of every sale going back to 1900. He works yearly with Dafra bee inspectors, His nuc frames are no more than a year old eliminating diseased brood,
He is and has” been doing all the right things for years, his hours of advice is given free BUT not always what you want to hear.
He has given the best, bee educated to his young staff by sending them overseas in the winter months to other countries, to gather expert hands on experience that’s not available or cannot be obtained in this country?
Others should take a leaf from his book.

Instead others with envy contemplate he /she can make and sell nucs The consequence has been a disaster. (Example Epping see WPF post,)

Some large Bee Equipment Suppliers! “Don’t keep or breed bees” they look for the best price they can buy nucs for, They have to make a profit and end up buying from Tom Dick Harry diseased bees at ridicules prices then sold on to the newbee 3 / 4 months down the line the bee inspectors get called in and can not trace the breeder.

The most common mistake made by both newbees and knowledgeable beeks. “There’s only 1or 2 frames of brood in the 5 frame nuc? or the queen is dead?”
Both fail to realize the brood has hatched also the bees/ Queen don’t like stress and can die during traveling / delivery,

Yet the breeder gets ostracize by natures natural occurrences and thinking they can do better.:banghead::rant:
little bit off subject, but do you have to pay for the bee inspector to come and look at your hives, as i havent seen anywhere that you have to pay, and if you do how much
from a newbie not worthy
little bit off subject, but do you have to pay for the bee inspector to come and look at your hives, as i havent seen anywhere that you have to pay, and if you do how much
from a newbie not worthy

No its a free service and in the case of my inspector, he only called to make sure I was coping as a new beekeeper.
I have moved bees for over 20 years, working as a migratory beekeeper and I cannot think of one instance where the queen has died as a result.

Apart from one time when I accidentally suffocated some colonies. a lesson I will never forget.

It pays to check before moving hives that there is not a flow you are unaware of and that there is no nectar in the super.

My system of moving does not involve travel screens and so when the heat of being shut in was generated the wax in the super drooped and the nectar flooded the brood box wetting the bees to the mesh and ..... RIP

Setting that stupidity on my part aside, and I was working through the night and too determined to finish the move that night, normal movement of healthy bees will not kill the queen.


Are you E*** **e? First I thought 'yes' then 'can't be' then 'might' and 'probably not' then 'yes'. I'm thinking M*** ******s in disguise? Been done several times. Presently looking like a duck....just unsure of the quack....

Are you E*** **e? First I thought 'yes' then 'can't be' then 'might' and 'probably not' then 'yes'. I'm thinking M*** ******s in disguise? Been done several times. Presently looking like a duck....just unsure of the quack....
"His nuc frames are no more than a year old eliminating diseased brood, "
straight off sleazy beazy website and the smelling and grummer shitmakes ring a bell too
originally posted on "Poly Hive" thread by ron :
"bee products company in Gloucester. advertised on website at £11 each"
confirmation ?
This thread, and a few other posts here and there, appear to be a case of one person (buisness) trying to discredit the competition.
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