Mrs T

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Maybe we should stick to talking about beekeeping after all this is the "Beekeeping forum."

My grandfather was a beekeeper - and a miner! Maybe I shouldn't be in this room - being a card carrying member of the Labour party and all! :D
What do you think she would of made of 50,000 or so individuals working collectively without individual greed as a motive, sound a bit commie for her I suspect, even if led by a single dominant female.
What do you think she would of made of 50,000 or so individuals working collectively without individual greed as a motive, sound a bit commie for her I suspect, even if led by a single dominant female.

At least they'd have the right to buy their hive at a fire sale price (if they could afford the sky high interest on the mortgage) :D
What do you think she would of made of 50,000 or so individuals working collectively without individual greed as a motive, sound a bit commie for her I suspect, even if led by a single dominant female.

Actually ... I think that's exactly what she WAS about ... individuals doing their best to fulfil their individual, familial and community ambitions. No hangers on looking for a freebie and helping each other towards a common good. She would have approved of a matriarchal society and would certainly have kicked the drones into touch if they were not pulling their weight !
As a leader, Thatcher was a disaster.
Unlike successful leaders - like Mandela for example: who has done much to restore harmony and community spirit to his country - Thatcher managed to destroy social cohesiveness and encouraged division throughout Britain.
Even after her death, the divisiveness which characterised that woman lives on - witness this thread ...

As a leader, Thatcher was a disaster.
Unlike successful leaders - like Mandela for example: who has done much to restore harmony and community spirit to his country - Thatcher managed to destroy social cohesiveness and encouraged division throughout Britain.
Even after her death, the divisiveness which characterised that woman lives on - witness this thread ...


Er! You ARE a contributor on this thread !

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Er! You ARE a contributor on this thread !

Your point being ... ?

Have I criticised this thread ? No.

Have I commented on it (BIG difference) ? Yes - I have said that the divisiveness shown on this thread is a perfect example of what Thatcher promoted during her lifetime - and which of course includes my own comment, as I am exposed to the same dynamics as everyone else.

Put simply .All politicians are divisive it goes with the job, All lawyers are divisive it goes with the job !
Why single Maggie out? Especially when recently dead!
There are kids out there running riot , jumping on the band wagon ,joining protests/celebrations over the death of a woman under whose leadership they weren't even born !
Spurious accusations of her having ordered the Hillsborough disaster . There were more pits closed in the 60s under Harold Wilson than during her leadership,
I am an ex coal miner albeit a short stint !
Disgusting behaviour to be siding with IMHO !

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Nobody created all this fuss over her politics over the few days prior to her death, so why is it relevent now she has died? In fact, what does any of her politics have to do with her death and funeral? Bunch of over opiniated cowards. What are all these opinions of a dead woman, whether positive or negative, going to achieve? They are totally irrelavent. She's bloody dead, gone, game over, end of story. MPs must be loving this lack of attention on current politics.

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Why single Maggie out? Especially when recently dead!

Errr - singled out, because that's the name of this thread.

Err - recently dead, hence that's pretty obviously why this thread was started.

What I find really distasteful is how those sycophantic hypocritical individuals who actually couldn't stand the woman while she was alive, yet who can now be heard singing her praises, have crawled out from under the woodwork.

She continues to divide the nation - which was the only point I really wanted to make.

Errr - singled out, because that's the name of this thread.

What I find really distasteful is how those sycophantic hypocritical individuals who actually couldn't stand the woman while she was alive, yet who can now be heard singing her praises, have crawled out from under the woodwork.


This I actually agree with this ... if you can't be civil say nowt ! It's amazing how many former political 'oponents' are now singing her praises (Tory and Labour !) - just to serve their own political ends. They don't want to be seen as anything other than magnanimous so that when it comes to a vote ... hypocrites yes !

It's very interesting to note how history is being written in regard to her battles with the Unions though ... she only wanted to close 20 uneconomic pits initially (which we had been subsidising heavily for years with no possible chance of them being made to work profitably). Arthur Scargill was up for a fight and in the end he was the one responsible for the downfall of the mining industry ... unreasonable and impossible demands.

There's a very interesing piece from Nick Jones here: He's always been a well respected,balanced, reporter. Worth a read for those with rose tinted spectacles about the events of the early 1980's.
The penny has just dropped!!!

It will cost £8-10 million pounds for a state funeral plus extra security for Lady T. She did as few good things and many terrible things, but I am much less bothered about that, as that is the past. What I am wound up about is that at the same time as cutting some of the state benefits that make some people's lives bearable ( Housing Benefit, Disability Living Allowance) we are also paying out all that for funeral.

Couldn't we have done something cheap? Renamed a Bank Holiday after her or set up a Facebook page in memory of her? Not happy.
Quote The penny has just dropped!!!

It will cost £8-10 million pounds for a state funeral plus extra security for Lady T. She did as few good things and many terrible things, but I am much less bothered about that, as that is the past. What I am wound up about is that at the same time as cutting some of the state benefits that make some people's lives bearable ( Housing Benefit, Disability Living Allowance) we are also paying out all that for funeral.

Couldn't we have done something cheap? Renamed a Bank Holiday after her or set up a Facebook page in memory of her? Not happy. Quote

Here Here :iagree:
What I dont understand is the fact that all the reporting states that it was Maggie's choice not to have a state funeral, making a big deal of the fact when effectively it is one in all but name.
Will we be having the same when Tony Blair pops his clogs, he served for only 1 1/2 years less and took us into TWO wars.
I can see some reason for a big funeral for any PM. They were an elected figurehead for while, however imperfect the mechanism. I can actually see less legitimacy in public expenditure on marking events for unelected royals.

The problem with support for any politician is that they get as many votes against as for. Which is why no ex Prime Minister would ever be elected president. Thatcher no more than Blair, Major or Brown. Mark their passing, fair enough for supporters. But there will always be a substantial number who must be allowed to make no more of it than they would for the death of any other 87 year old.
Soooo passé

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