Mrs T

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An almost correct quote, apparently<snip>[/URL]

Funnily enough, I spent a while trying to find a recording of her saying "Rejoice" in response to the sinking of the Belgrano - which turns out to be my own fake memory

ah, ta, I would edit but 100 minutes has passed
Well if nothing else this thread is mapping out the political demography of this forum - Tories with a slight socialist slant.



Yes .... what I feel is that there is political room for a Common Sense Party as there appears to be little within our present government and opposition that I find has anything to do with common sense !!

Actually ... those initials just came home to roost ... C S P - CONSERVATIVE SOCIALIST PARTY - room for everyone !
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Whilst agreeing about not speaking ill of the dead there can be no doubt that to ignore a controversial legacy is politically extremely dangerous.
Lets not forget this firm friend of that odious mass murderer Pinochet, called Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists and made no efforts to end apartheid, gave the ok to sink the Belgrano in international waters, the only ship ever to be sunk by a nuclear submarine, killing 323 Argentinian sailors, and single mindedly trashed the working heart of every mining community in the uk. She also instigated privatisation of our national treasures, from council houses to power supply and transport and water supply, all things we as tax payers had already invested heavily in for years, and she sold them back to the richest of us to make more money ?"!! We are now in the position that if we want new nuclear power plants they need to be built by the French, state owned nuclear industry, we are short of social housing, we import millions of tons of coal and the gap between rich and poor has never been bigger. RIP indeed.

She also charmingly stated in response to the plight of British bee farmers that Mexican honey was cheaper anyway ! smacks of "let them eat cake !"
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Lifted from an obit on the BBC website yesterday:

"For many, her philosophy was summed up in a magazine interview she gave in 1987.
"I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand 'I have a problem, it is the government's job to cope with it!' or 'I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!'; 'I am homeless, the government must house me!' and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society?
"There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families, and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first.
"It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations."
Mrs T will always divide opinion (especially in my neck of the woods) but she was a leader who was and is respected on the world stage.
Whilst agreeing about not speaking ill of the dead there can be no doubt that to ignore a controversial legacy is politically extremely dangerous.
Lets not forget this firm friend of that odious mass murderer Pinochet, called Nelson Mandela and the ANC terrorists and made no efforts to end apartheid, gave the ok to sink the Belgrano in international waters, the only ship ever to be sunk by a nuclear submarine, killing 323 Argentinian sailors, and single mindedly trashed the working heart of every mining community in the uk. She also instigated privatisation of our national treasures, from council houses to power supply and transport and water supply, all things we as tax payers had already invested heavily in for years, and she sold them back to the richest of us to make more money ?"!! We are now in the position that if we want new nuclear power plants they need to be built by the French, state owned nuclear industry, we are short of social housing, we import millions of tons of coal and the gap between rich and poor has never been bigger. RIP indeed.

She also charmingly stated in response to the plight of British bee farmers that Mexican honey was cheaper anyway ! smacks of "let them eat cake !"

Patricia Hewitt when energy secretary sold off all the nuclear infrastructure to the French. As a Labour politician she did not want her party to be associated with this industry. It is over 20 years since Maggie was in power, plenty of time to re-nationalise all those industries and re-open all those coal mines. The Labour Party had the time in power to do thisif they so chose.
re-open all those coal mines.

Rot - the old pits were raped back then flooded when the pumps were turned off, a lot of them around here were filled in and capped - we've lost the skills now and it would take years to be in any kind of position to start back.
I'm a sort of Puce colour ,comes from merging light blue and light red ( pink except the colour has been hi-jacked to mean something entirely different)
I'm a dyed in the wool swap sides when necessary :D

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I'm a sort of Puce colour ,comes from merging light blue and light red ( pink except the colour has been hi-jacked to mean something entirely different)
I'm a dyed in the wool swap sides when necessary :D

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Yep ... that just about sums up where I am as well !! Conservative Socialist ... and liberal minded !

This isn't the place to vent your spleen!
Let the dead be dead !
You may think this a closed little circle but it is read world wide and repercussions have occurred for less disrespect that you are indulging in!

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As I remember before mrs T came to power, Wilson and then sunny jim callaghan were not doing such a great job, the rot had already set in with factories shutting down, the dead not being buried and rubbish not being collected during the winter of discontent ,as for communities being destroyed what did the labour party do to reverse it with that marvellous "socialist" Blair and his "useful idiots" in charge. I certainly didn't agree with all her policies but the commie bile and the bleatings from the gardianista on the death of an old lady is quite frankly typical of this day and age!
"ICM also asked voters for an overall assessment of whether Thatcher's 11-year premiership had been good or bad for Britain. Here, the assessment becomes more positive: half of all respondents, 50%, look back on her overall contribution as positive, which is 16 points more than the 34% who say she was bad for the country"

From the Guardian:
Do I detect a little inverted snobbery ?

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Do I detect a little inverted snobbery ?

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Not at all, I don't consider bankers to be of an "elite class." Just a bunch of robbers that brought about our nations and other countries massive debts and were never brought to account for it...
Maybe we should stick to talking about beekeeping after all this is the "Beekeeping forum."
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