Ley-lines and bees

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Homeopathy? Magic stones, mythical lines of power... oh my... what next... Magic fairy bees with little wands that fill jars with honey when we are all sleeping!?

You mean...gulp!......there aren't any magic bees with honey wands? No wonder this beekeeping lark isn't as easy as I thought it would be!!!:eek:
We have apprentices in work who have to take their basic skills tests in collage because the education system is in my opinion rubbish compared to what it was 30 years ago. The mathematics they are teaching them is what I done when I was 12 which makes it a gap of 4 years.
The word should be 'did'.....4 out of 10 for grammar! :judge: LOL
So childbirth is not replication?

Any one with o level Biology should be able to tell you that childbirth is not replication,:icon_204-2: fertilisation involves the insertion of a different set of genes and the resulting offspring has a mixture of the two which is why they sometimes have an appearance that unlike either of the parents(dark skin/ginger hair/Almond shaped eyes) genes from previous couplings of ancestors have an influence on every living thing.
Replication is what you get from a mould that allows an exact copy of the original which is carved by a designer.

Modern drug manufacture follows a recipe but there will be a little variation(within certain parameters) in the individual dose consumed, just like any other recipe. The very dilute proportions of plant medicines in Homeopathy, it is postulated, activate our natural defences and help us to heal ourselves. If it is good enough for the royal family I think it is worth a try. I just wish I could get treatment for my Coeliac disease.

Don't kid yourself that drugs available on the National health have been tested and shown to replicate the same results in everyone. The trials don't have the same result for everyone. Some people will suffer severe side effects, some will not. Some will have a marvellous recovery, usually others will find the drug useless to them.
Yew leaves are well known as a poison they also work as an anti cancer drug but only if the correct ones are used. Teetree is used as an antiseptic and, so is propolis, most of our manufactured drugs are based on old plant remedies. I would not disregard anything I keep an open mind. Having said that I won't be moving my hives to the top of the hill where ley lines are supposed to run near me as I have think and consider other factors like the strength of the winds here in winter.;)
Metal coathangers? Must be an urban thing.


The old rural chap I first saw dowsing in about 1968 used two heavy gauge galvanised wires bent at 90 *

Don't think he ver saw a town in his life.

Any one with o level Biology should be able to tell you that childbirth is not replication,:icon_204-2: fertilisation involves the insertion of a different set of genes and the resulting offspring has a mixture of the two which is why they sometimes have an appearance that unlike either of the parents(dark skin/ginger hair/Almond shaped eyes) genes from previous couplings of ancestors have an influence on every living thing.
Replication is what you get from a mould that allows an exact copy of the original which is carved by a designer.

Modern drug manufacture follows a recipe but there will be a little variation(within certain parameters) in the individual dose consumed, just like any other recipe. The very dilute proportions of plant medicines in Homeopathy, it is postulated, activate our natural defences and help us to heal ourselves. If it is good enough for the royal family I think it is worth a try. I just wish I could get treatment for my Coeliac disease.

Don't kid yourself that drugs available on the National health have been tested and shown to replicate the same results in everyone. The trials don't have the same result for everyone. Some people will suffer severe side effects, some will not. Some will have a marvellous recovery, usually others will find the drug useless to them.
Yew leaves are well known as a poison they also work as an anti cancer drug but only if the correct ones are used. Teetree is used as an antiseptic and, so is propolis, most of our manufactured drugs are based on old plant remedies. I would not disregard anything I keep an open mind. Having said that I won't be moving my hives to the top of the hill where ley lines are supposed to run near me as I have think and consider other factors like the strength of the winds here in winter.;)

To activate anything it has to exist, .. rigourous tests to show homeopathy exists, fail
Homeopathy has been around for longer. The evidence for its working has not been scientifically gathered as it does not profit the pharmaceutical companies and the producers of the homeopathic remedies do not charge huge amounts for their products. I have personally seen bleeding stopped by using Homeopathic means when flesh had been ripped to the bone. I also treated myself for a repeated infection using homeopathy and it has never returned. There is no scientific evidence that it works because it has not been properly investigated just dismissed as impossible. But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence.

The ancient sites of prehistory have significance that we do not yet understand as we have no equivalent of the rosetta stone. Yet the early Christians thought they were important enough to build their churches over. We do not yet understand everything in this world of ours It was only a few hundred years ago that people thought the earth was flat and men at the limits of exploration had "here be monsters" written on the edge of the map. We don't even understand bees properly yet.

So wrong. Many studies have been failed to show any effect.

If it really worked then we could slash the NHS drugs bill instantly.
Yep, my daughter sat her chem, phys and biol GCSEs (2 year course?) after one terms work!
They then have the option to resit!
It makes no sense to me.

I think she is probably doing a modular course. Students sit modules as they go through the course. Nothing wrong with it in some ways but it does make it easier to get good marks if you only need to revise small parts of the course.

The idea that the more you dilute something, the stronger it gets. (Already not true)

The average remedy is 30c, which is 30 to the power of a hundred.

That's the equivalent of one ml of 'active' ingredient diluted in an Olympic sized swimming pool, bottled up and sold.

Which means no 'active' ingredient makes it to the finished product. (Getting pretty clear yet?)

Better still homeopaths argue that the remedy doesn't need the 'active' ingredient, due to the magic memory of water.

But wait, you don't drink the remedy, as it's not water, nope it's dried out into a sugar pill. (Oops)

Oh, and the 'active' ingredient to treat sleep deprivation is caffeine, because like treats like....

In short utter nonsense!

I too have seen miracle cures... When cut to the bone, I healed with no intervention.

When I had a cold, 3-4 days later I was magically fine again, with no intervention.

The human body would be pretty rubbish if it couldn't do that!!!
We have apprentices in work who have to take their basic skills tests in collage because the education system is in my opinion rubbish compared to what it was 30 years ago. The mathematics they are teaching them is what I done when I was 12 which makes it a gap of 4 years.
The word should be 'did'.....4 out of 10 for grammar! :judge: LOL

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The idea that the more you dilute something, the stronger it gets. (Already not true)

The average remedy is 30c, which is 30 to the power of a hundred.

That's the equivalent of one ml of 'active' ingredient diluted in an Olympic sized swimming pool, bottled up and sold.

Which means no 'active' ingredient makes it to the finished product. (Getting pretty clear yet?)

Better still homeopaths argue that the remedy doesn't need the 'active' ingredient, due to the magic memory of water.

But wait, you don't drink the remedy, as it's not water, nope it's dried out into a sugar pill. (Oops)


Your argument presupposes a "known to science cause". But if there is a "not known to science cause" then the homeopathic effect should still be there.
However, no one has reliably, rigourously demonstrated the effect.
Until someone does, then it iis pragmatic to assume it doesn't exist

The average remedy is 30c, which is 30 to the power of a hundred.

That's the equivalent of one ml of 'active' ingredient diluted in an Olympic sized swimming pool, bottled up and sold.

If you are going to argue from a scientific point of view, then its important that you get your facts and number right. 30C means 100 to the power 30 (=10^60), not 30 to the power 100 (= 10^147).

While you've significantly overstated the dilution of 30C, you've significantly understated the diultion with the swimming pool comparison. At 30C, 1ml of active ingredient would be diluted in 10^57 liters of water, or the same amount of water that is in:
400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 olymic sized swimming pools.

Putting it another way, a 30C solution would contain one singe molecule of active ingredient in:
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 olympic sized swimming pools of water or
20,000,000,000,000 times the entire amount of water on earth.

Or even another way. In any one dose of 30C homeopathic 'medicine', the chance of consuming the active ingredient is the same as the change of winning the lottery every single week for:
30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.

No mater how much of a 30C solution you consume, you will never drink the 'active' ingredient.

The homeopathic response to this is to say that there is some scientifically unkown mechanism by which water takes on the characteristics of the 'active' ingredient. I think Tim Minchin answered that best in his poem 'Storm':

It's a miracle! Take physics and bin it!
Water has memory!
And while it's memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is Infinite
It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!

And to all the people who say 'well it worked for me, how do you explain that?' - the plural of anecdote is anecdotes not data.
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