killing queens?

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House Bee
Jan 31, 2012
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the fens
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I have heard people talk about killing queens, indeed my books mention it. But I still have no idea exactly why I would have to kill a queen, nor how I will do it so as to be humane. Please enlighten me.
drone layer or well past it, probably wont make another winter and need replacing.
Killing extra domestic animals is very common and very human habit. I change my queens every year.

You put a queen between fingers and squeeze.

My neighbour was not able to kill cats. So he had then 10 adults and 50 kittens.
Killing extra domestic animals is very common and very human habit. I change my queens every year.

You put a queen between fingers and squeeze.

My neighbour was not able to kill cats. So he had then 10 adults and 50 kittens.

I understand the need to kill animals,I kill surplus cockerels for the freezer, used to keep meat rabbits. However I didn't attempt the job unless I knew 100% how to do it properly. As for killing cats, why would anyone use killing as a method of birth control for domestic pets? There is such a thing as neutering.
I don't think I'd be able to squeeze between fingers. Plus what about sting pheremones which get released?
One needs to remember the queen is not the colony - she is the egg-laying machine - and the colony, as a super-organism, cannot survive unless the queen is fecund.

Sometimes 'surgery' is necessary.
If you don't want to squish queens, you could kill them by putting them in the freezer. I was told it is more humane, but I'm not convinced.
If you don't want to squish queens, you could kill them by putting them in the freezer. .

Have you floor or freezer in your garden or in your forest yeard?

Is is better to drive on with car? That is at least human.

When I check swarming hives, I may break 100 queen cells. Am I a human?

A hivetool for queens - or fingers


I understand the need to kill animals,I kill surplus cockerels for the freezer, used to keep meat rabbits. However I didn't attempt the job unless I knew 100% how to do it properly. As for killing cats, why would anyone use killing as a method of birth control for domestic pets? There is such a thing as neutering.
I don't think I'd be able to squeeze between fingers. Plus what about sting pheremones which get released?

My elderly neighbour kills all his new-born kittens each time, except one.
I understand that the favoured method here is to bury them alive; I chose not to ask him how he did it. :offtopic:
One needs to remember the queen is not the colony - she is the egg-laying machine - and the colony, as a super-organism, cannot survive unless the queen is fecund.
Absolutely right - in fact I think 'Queen' is a bl##dy silly name for the fertile egg-laying bee: 'Queen' implies some kind of regal control; other bees doing her bidding etc. Nothing could be further from the truth - she's chosen (as a larva) to be an egg-layer by The Republic and then only allowed to live because she's useful - nothing more.

Still, as she's incapable of even feeding herself, there does seem to be some similarity between her and some of those from the House of Saxe-Coburg, so maybe the name is a fairly good descriptor. :laughing-smiley-004

If you don't want to squish queens, you could kill them by putting them in the freezer. I was told it is more humane, but I'm not convinced.

I would have no problems squishing them. Death would be instant.
off with her head. sounds like the french revolution. Personally i put her in a matchbox and then freeze her.
My elderly neighbour kills all his new-born kittens each time, except one.
I understand that the favoured method here is to bury them alive; I chose not to ask him how he did it. :offtopic:

ahh you see I'd have to ask how he did it, then offer to neuter the adults for him.Humans are bloody vile sometimes. You have to wonder if the people who bury them alive are devoid of intelligence, humanity and empathy. Surely they realise that this is cruel?
It's probably why I have been involved in animal welfare most of my adult life which has got me into some awful scrapes, like when I was nearly arrested for attacking a young bloke who kicked his very elderly and probably deaf German shepherd dog because it didn't sit when he told it to. I was 7 stone and 5 foot 2 and he was a big chap of about 6 foot but bugger I was savage (fen word for very angry) Apparently 2 men had to pull me off him :/ I just cannot stand by and do nothing. They have no voice and it's my duty as a human being to protect the weak and speak out for those which cannot.
ahh you see I'd have to ask how he did it, then offer to neuter the adults for him.Humans are bloody vile sometimes. You have to wonder if the people who bury them alive are devoid of intelligence, humanity and empathy. Surely they realise that this is cruel?
It's probably why I have been involved in animal welfare most of my adult life which has got me into some awful scrapes, like when I was nearly arrested for attacking a young bloke who kicked his very elderly and probably deaf German shepherd dog because it didn't sit when he told it to. I was 7 stone and 5 foot 2 and he was a big chap of about 6 foot but bugger I was savage (fen word for very angry) Apparently 2 men had to pull me off him :/ I just cannot stand by and do nothing. They have no voice and it's my duty as a human being to protect the weak and speak out for those which cannot.

Did you not try the eyebrows on him...
Did you not try the eyebrows on him...

oh no. The eyebrows are only for attraction. Now if only I had killer assassin eyebrows, I'd have unleashed 'em and he'd have been sorry..........Mind you, I suppose I could have unleashed the eyebrows, married him and made him wish he was dead.
My elderly neighbour kills all his new-born kittens each time, except one.

I have a friend who lives in a little village in France and his neighbours do the same.
Perhaps it's a french thing?
I went over once armed with anaesthetics and a few "tools"and we knobbled all the toms we could catch in a week