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    • M
      Anybody ventured and made a double five frame nucs? That could possibly be made to use the standard national floor but with a divider...
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      30% worker rest drone id say roughly
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      Some sealed worker brood there yes but nothing compared to my other hives.
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      Now your asking, pretty sure it was just one egg but can not be certain 🙈
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      Went through them today, brood pattern a bit scattered. A lot of drone brood present and could see fresh eggs in a few frames. I tried...
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      No osr near us for miles. Apologies the hive is very defensive I should of written. Will be checking today for eggs. Any idea of...
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      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      I could have, but with the amount of bees in there means that hardly any have gone. But I've found eggs and fresh larvae in there? Is...
    • M
      Mogs1 replied to the thread Colony on double brood.
      As soon as the weather turned nice last Thursday they have become terrible, following us for 100 yards and even attacking us when we're...
    • M
      I have a national hive on double brood, bees on all frames and quite full. They have become quite aggressive so I was hoping to re...
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