Ok, I see it's time I engaged with the inventive genius from Norfolk directly. He started this thread in the hope of gaining some support for his fiendish idea of glueing a queen's wings together, thus clearly demonstrating to what lows "responsible beekeeping" by his interpretation can sink.
Since then he has deemed necessary to slur my beekeeping by reference to an incident on a tv programme a year ago. Perhaps he ought to view something else now to get some more inspiration regarding other beekeepers' ways of doing things here: (commercial link to own website deleted.)or find some new angles of attack. Good luck, bee-kee-pur, in your future endeavour with bees, I think you need it.
I for one, shall do my best to refer the next tv producer who comes my way to you for some really innovative ideas on swarm control. Regrettably, I am not entirely confident that the general public. increasingly concerned about the honeybee's health and vitality, would warm to ideas such as you introduced this thread with; it would seem that aberrant ideas as to how to exercise control over colonies need to be kept strictly private.
In the meantime, I recommend that you also keep very very quiet indeed about such lofty matter as "responsible" beekeeping.
With best wishes