It is May 25th

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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The other side is down for maintenance ! No warning !
Sooooooooon be permanent! 90% of stuff is archived stuff maybe 3 people post very intermittently !

It's probably those missing apostrophes gumming up the works, or one of the "web designers" (or whatever poncy title the blithering incompetents are going under this week) pranged their new Porsche into it........
(allegedly) -
Never been on there before, but after reading this thread thought I'd see what everyone was going on about. Down for maintainance, but the whole colour scheme just hurts my eyes tbh......think I'll stick with you guys :)
Sooooooooon be permanent! 90% of stuff is archived stuff maybe 3 people post very intermittently !


B....y shame, really, it did have it's uses and was good to pop into occasionally. BBKA needs a harsh wake-up call if this is a vision of the trajectory it's on.
Don't be mean- they're doing extremely well on "corporatisation", creating well paid jobs "for the boys", cementing relationships with their buddies in the pesticide trade, and hiding behind "corporate respectability", marketing departments and assorted "suits" putting a high gloss on their selfish machinations....
I always viewed the "old but functioning" forum as rather like an "old boys club", ruled with a rod of iron by a bolshie "doorman" in which people like Eastbourne's esteemed MP for 40 years* mumbled about "the good old days"
(*Sir Charles Taylor, unopposed for 40 years, pickled as a prune the whole time, who's entire contribution to parliamentary life was to wobble unsteadily to his feet during the Lady Chatterley debate, loudly exclaimed "fornication" then fell back into his seat, exhausted.......) :biggrinjester:
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The other side is down for maintenance ! No warning !
Sooooooooon be permanent! 90% of stuff is archived stuff maybe 3 people post very intermittently !


Given your last good few posts vm on that forum did you expect them to call you to inform you it will be down

Personally its best if we all move on, I don’t see any great changes that they can make to help it.

Its not a forum any more, its more of a notice board and although a few are trying to get it back it’s a lost cause 90% and that’s only a handful of people are only posting about the forum and how bad it is.

Ha Ho onwards and up wards.
Don't be mean- they're doing extremely well on "corporatisation", creating well paid jobs "for the boys", cementing relationships with their buddies in the pesticide trade, and hiding behind "corporate respectability", marketing departments and assorted "suits" putting a high gloss on their selfish machinations....
I always viewed the "old but functioning" forum as rather like an "old boys club", ruled with a rod of iron by a bolshie "doorman" in which people like Eastbourne's esteemed MP for 40 years* mumbled about "the good old days"
(*Sir Charles Taylor, unopposed for 40 years, pickled as a prune the whole time, who's entire contribution to parliamentary life was to wobble unsteadily to his feet during the Lady Chatterley debate, loudly exclaimed "fornication" then fell back into his seat, exhausted.......) :biggrinjester:

Well if it's a direct choice between the two " . . . ation"s let's vote! ;)
Don't be mean- they're doing extremely well on "corporatisation", creating well paid jobs "for the boys", cementing relationships with their buddies in the pesticide trade, and hiding behind "corporate respectability", marketing departments and assorted "suits" putting a high gloss on their selfish machinations....
I always viewed the "old but functioning" forum as rather like an "old boys club", ruled with a rod of iron by a bolshie "doorman" in which people like Eastbourne's esteemed MP for 40 years* mumbled about "the good old days"
(*Sir Charles Taylor, unopposed for 40 years, pickled as a prune the whole time, who's entire contribution to parliamentary life was to wobble unsteadily to his feet during the Lady Chatterley debate, loudly exclaimed "fornication" then fell back into his seat, exhausted.......) :biggrinjester:
Doesn't he go on? not worthy
If words were taxed ,dear old brossy would would owe enough to settle the national debt :dupe:.
Tom, you won't be seeing anymore of my posts on there :)
I'm not into :beatdeadhorse5:'s


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