It is May 25th

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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if you do go down that route, I can knock you up some forum software in a couple of hour..... months that will do almost a bad a job of it as they've done.

Go on, spill the beans, how much did you offer them to kill the forum? ;)
I think they attended the lecture entitled "How to screw up your website" ...
Just been round for the promised welcoming cuppa and politely wiped my feet on the welcome mat but keep getting the door slammed in my face.

I apparently have to call the office but me thinks they just may be taking more calls than Barclays on a bad day.
I can't get in either.... time to stop boring everone wiht the blog?
Oh pooh - it's a lock-out. Anyone got a digital crowbar? Or shall we just let them stew in their own juice? (Talk about mixed metaphors!)
Shame because it was a good secondary resource. :toetap05:
I apologise for starting this thread :leaving:
I did eventually gain full access (my job as a peterman in another life helped I suppose),wish I hadn't bothered , the lurid colour scheme, the clumsy truncated means of getting around the forum isn't worth the effort for my money .

Foot and shooting oneself through it springs to mind :beatdeadhorse5:

Not good enough. How much of my local Assoc subscription goes to the BBKA? For that, local BKA members should surely have access, even if BBKA are shutting out the (really interesting and rewarding) remainder.
What on earth do they hope to gain? Who started it? (and I don't mean the thread, VM) Does seem a waste. :smash:
Hombre,a few months back I was thinking of upgrading the graphics ect and had a few modern ideas in mind.

But after thinking about it I believed it would of upset to many members with major changes,plus the old adage if it ain't broke.

I could make the forum wizz spark and bang,but then I dont like change for the sake of it.
The reason I first chose the blue spectrum of colours was because its very easy on the eye.

I suppose we could go yearly membership for all posters and then go and spend thousands of pounds of members subscriptions on a media company to rehash us.

Then again........

I used to frequent a Spanish language tutorial website, but they made it a bit Facebook like and whilst I occasionally assist with a query that gets emailed to me, I don't log on any more as the navigation is pants and I have better things to do than struggle to find threads.

It ain't broke so you are doing it just right Admin, [pun]Mark my words . . . [/pun]
I got in and have to say it looks better. However, I don't understand the hierarchy of the forum. It seems to make no sense to me, but there is probably something I am doing wrong.
Have you ever noticed the way that when statistics are going the wrong way for the "authorities", they tend to be suppressed? The South African government, I am told, have recently stopped publishing crime figures...This graph may explain something about the other site:
Who/what is Delta? - apart from an American airline?
Ah. Had you written Δ I would have got it.


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