It is May 25th

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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That's a shame. Probably the wrong decision to require people to find their BBKA numbers.
That's a shame. Probably the wrong decision to require people to find their BBKA numbers.

Can't believe I found mine. Why did they do that? Great chance for admin to start advertising on pages when you are a visitor, as we should get more of them...
Anybody had PM's with information that you wanted not to get lost on the old system though?

They seem to know how many posts you had made previously, but no linkage to the archive PM's.

It was certainly a retrograde step in my view.
Just been over there, again the only active thread is the forum feedback thread which lacks even one posting with a positive slant . R.I.P.
Zilch response to barbed criticisms , I don't think the web masters have the courage to poke their collective/ individual heads over the parapet !

tried and failed to log-in
their system tells me my email address is non-existent!
"This is the end! The Dark Side's ony friend, the end..."

Just tried to re-register, but the system didn't allow me to. What a load of crap.

Ben P
i wonder how many new people have signed up to this forum since there mess up?:biggrinjester:
Me for one.

You must be in line for some award or other :svengo:

I hope you posed a question, if so,don't expect an Email informing you of any replies coz you won't get one .:willy_nilly:

John Wilkinson
Gave up on this site before the refurb - as a newbee I've looked anywhere on the net for useful information but what use a site where you get inundated with an avalanche of as many as four posts a day!!
Yes that's what I meant. ("Join date May 2011" is a clue).

(May 25th is a clue) :chillpill:
Welcome reentrant hope you enjoy beekeeping and get all help the and info needed on this site :)

John Wilkinson
I haven't understood a word of this thread!!!!

The new site run by the Official English beekeeping body closed for maintenance and upgrades last week and re-opened 25th May. Despite numerous warnings from the regulars and offers of help, the Committee formed to advise on the upgrade ignored all protestations and went ahead with a design best suited to Stalinist Russia - both in layout (abysmal) , choice of colours (very tiring) and log in proceedings (tiresome).

The fact that none of the Committee ever appeared to post on that forum was of course totally unrelated to the ensuing shambles..

As a result, traffic on that forum has gone from about 5 -10 posts a day to about 1..

Edit : Outside consultants on the entire website upgrade cost c £15k. I really object to their wasting some of my subs and think they should ask for their money back... but I suspect the outside consultants may have been over-ruled...
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Well it is because if the committee set out to design a horse and ended up with a camel it's then not a horse and it's not fit for purpose as a horse. I think it's a good analogy for the other site, unless of course they really want to dump their forum and are not brave enough to say so and have paid money to some slick techie outfit who have sold them a pup.

Anymore animal analogies?

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