Is there a Doctor in the house?

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Drone Bee
Aug 16, 2010
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Help needed....I've had a stinking cold since last Friday which developed into Sinusitis on Tuesday (same with almost every cold I ever have). Does anyone know a reliable way to relieve sinus pain?
Have tried pretty much all the usual things - sudafed, vicks inhalation, hot bath, olbas oil, warm flannel etc etc.
Last time I went to the Drs with the same complaint I was told that antibiotics are a waste of time and that I'd get better just as quickly without them.
Try not to laugh......

I had terrible sinisitus last year and was sent to a specialist who said I had to snort warm water with bicarb and a little salt in it. Mine improved a few days later. he said hold it in your hands and snort it into your nose. He suggested that it wasnt something to do in public but that it works really well.
I had terrible sinisitus last year and was sent to a specialist who said I had to snort warm water with bicarb and a little salt in it. Mine improved a few days later. he said hold it in your hands and snort it into your nose. He suggested that it wasnt something to do in public but that it works really well.

Thanks. I tried that last time I had it but have not tried it this time. Will give it a go.
Help needed....I've had a stinking cold since last Friday which developed into Sinusitis on Tuesday (same with almost every cold I ever have). Does anyone know a reliable way to relieve sinus pain?
Have tried pretty much all the usual things - sudafed, vicks inhalation, hot bath, olbas oil, warm flannel etc etc.
Last time I went to the Drs with the same complaint I was told that antibiotics are a waste of time and that I'd get better just as quickly without them.

Cold virus are not easy to get rid of, antibiotics are generally bacteria species specific and do not have much effect on viruses in general,

Try garlic, loads of it, eat it drink it in soup, rub it into the aching joints!

Claimed to be a great immune system booster... and keeps others away so they don't catch and spread it!!

Eventually you immune system will produce antibodies to THIS virus... not much help as the virus will have mutated to something unrecogniseable and get you again!!!

Hope you get better soon!

I actually said 'now youre just being silly!' when he suggested it..... I was sure he was just being daft to cheer me up. Its really rotten though, I had never had it before and had no idea how painful it was...... I wasnt good company at all for a while. You have my sympathy......
Get a plastic cup off Ebay that looks like a watering can(Neti pot).
Massage your tongue against the roof of your mouth,it sometimes helps.
Well, I'm off to the doctors in a few minutes (covered in salt water).

They way I understand it is that the Sinus infection is usually a secondary bacterial infection rather than a symptom of the primary viral infection (i.e the cold), so they could prescribe antibiotics but research suggests that the infection clears up just as quickly without them. Not a great deal of comfort when your head feels like its going to explode!
invest in either some own brand paracetamol or ibuprofen from local supermarket and take as instructed.

also steam inhalation to help loosen things up.
Thanks for all the advice.
I am now back from the doctors armed with antibiotics and enough co-codamol to sink a battleship. Have also been told to inhale steam 5 times a day.
Have been nowhere near the apiary for about 5 days - just getting downstairs has been challenging enough.
Back to bed now I think.
In April last year I had something that I now believe to have been sinusitus but after a blood test showing a very high ESR something mych worse was suspected. In the end, the thing that really helped seemed to be gargling with TCP - doing so a few times, including night time, seemed to keep something antiseptic cicling round ear, nose and throat. Then, on my first day waking up with no pain, my GP phoned in a panic after getting the blood test results and started me on steroids. So the TCP seemed to help and the steroids but the latter is like taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

I seemed much worse near OSR and my instinct was that it triggered the problem (we had driven back from a few days in Glasgow and it was triggered almost as soon as we drove back home - we'd seen no OSR in Scotland and we have some here. If the problem got worse at any time it always seemed that OSR was nearby so this year I am going to try some anti-histamine type products and hope I don't get to that stage again. I note we are in the OSR season again - any near you?

I had terrible sinisitus last year and was sent to a specialist who said I had to snort warm water with bicarb and a little salt in it. Mine improved a few days later. he said hold it in your hands and snort it into your nose. He suggested that it wasnt something to do in public but that it works really well.

I know it sounds weird but try the same with 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tiny drop of water. Tastes disgusting but you're not supposed to drink it and its brill at killing all sorts of bad things that hide from O2 (thats oxygen not the mobile network:.))
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Hydrogen peroxide - that's found in honey.

The solution is in your own warehouse.
Essentially as PictonFarm has already said,but
1 teaspoon salt (does the business, is mildly antiseptic, and is hygroscopic)
1 to 2 teaspoon sugar (moderates the salt and is also hygroscopic)
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (dissolves snot)
1 pint of boiling water.

Mix it all up and put it in a sealed bottle when it is cool. Shake before use and snort it up as PF said. If you are a spectacles wearer, take them off beforehand and wash your face afterwards unless you want to wear a sticky face all day.

Keep it up as long as you reasonably can, inhaling gently through your nose to keep it all up where it can do most good, without blowing your nose too soon. Big tissues recommended . . .

Repeated a couple of times a day for a couple of days, you can't help but notice the difference. A netti pot just saves your face getting wet as you snort from the palm of your hand and relieves you of around £5. You can be feeling a lot better by the time it arrives if you use your hand.

I'm amazed at the number of coughs that are caused by crud from my sinuses and also wonder how many start with swallowing hot food that actually causes poor mouth/throat health as it recovers from minor burns. Not something that most doctors seem to necessarily relate to.

I don't know about honey up your hooter PeterS (sounds good), but would like to sit in as you explain to your doctor about the problem with soft set up around the inside of your ears . . . LoL
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Help needed....I've had a stinking cold since last Friday which developed into Sinusitis on Tuesday (same with almost every cold I ever have). Does anyone know a reliable way to relieve sinus pain?
Have tried pretty much all the usual things - sudafed, vicks inhalation, hot bath, olbas oil, warm flannel etc etc.
Last time I went to the Drs with the same complaint I was told that antibiotics are a waste of time and that I'd get better just as quickly without them.

dig dig dig dig,:biggrinjester:
sorry mate
dig dig dig :biggrinjester:
it dont sound to good
dig dig dig :biggrinjester:
for you,
dig dig dig:biggrinjester:
can i pop round
dig dig dig:biggrinjester:
and collect your bees
dig dig dig :biggrinjester:
before they read the will
dig dig dig:biggrinjester:
and how deep do you want
dig dig dig:biggrinjester:
this hole?????????

I seemed much worse near OSR and my instinct was that it triggered the problem (we had driven back from a few days in Glasgow and it was triggered almost as soon as we drove back home - we'd seen no OSR in Scotland and we have some here. If the problem got worse at any time it always seemed that OSR was nearby so this year I am going to try some anti-histamine type products and hope I don't get to that stage again. I note we are in the OSR season again - any near you?


No, no OSR for miles around here - just lots of sheep!
I do suffer quite badly with hayfever but that usually starts in June with the grass pollen.
painkillers wont cure it though,
i use the salt and bicarb method but being too tight to buy the neti pot i use a plastic water bottle with one of those squirty sports? spouts and apply a LITTLE pressure.

its a LOT easier than it sounds and very quick. good luck:conehead:
Or ibuprofen

i would have thought anyone with sinus pain bad enough to need meds will not be feeling up to apiary work!

He's there just 24 hours later! Just goes to show how careful one needs to be!


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