Insulation: I don't get it!

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I started last year with 4 colonys, took a spring crop, split into 11 colonies making 10 new queens, and a summer crop. Honey gathered for the year was 280 lb. I don't have a big customer base to sell to, so there is no point in trying to produce too much honey.

So all in all a mediocre yield (not having an outlet for the honey is not exactly a valid excuse for poor performing bees is it?) I suppose you need the 11 colonies to offset winter mortalities

And as Ericalfbee says. It's not an obsession.
I beg to differ - in some cases it definitely is. Stick a slab of kingspan above the coverboard fair enough but.........
Thanks to heaven, that old dogs do not take seriously everything what new dogs push on these pages. There is so much quess -science on these pages.

The new dogs and inventing a wheel .

So ... in this thread ? It's about INSULATION .... Insulation is not a NEW trick as you said previously ... it's been around for about 100 years ... I think someone just decided it wasn't necessary for reasons of economy during the war years.

You are not seriously suggesting that poly hives and insulation are a bad thing are you ?
So all in all a mediocre yield (not having an outlet for the honey is not exactly a valid excuse for poor performing bees is it?) I suppose you need the 11 colonies to offset winter mortalities

I beg to differ - in some cases it definitely is. Stick a slab of kingspan above the coverboard fair enough but.........

Yeh ok, I know what you mean;)
I've sold 3 colonies and therefore only carrying 7 into winter. I ran out of eqipment during summer and had to borrow drawn supers. I was about £2500 out of pocket at the beginning of the year and didn't want to add to that by buying more. I could have taken a bigger crop but I moved in August leaving my bees where they are. I haven't fed them and by the time my honey is sold it will have halved my outlay. Of the 5 years I've been keeping it's been the best. Winter losses is an unknown for everyone so lets wait a while before we throw that into the equation.
I think you are doing great from what you say.
No: explain why that is so pitiful, for the benefit of all of us.

Did I say pitiful - no! and as for spleen - if you thought that was spleen then you definitely need to grow up. What I do find pitiful is most of the nonsense that you seem to regurgitate every five minutes
must be January again :)

Derek, @derekm: do me a favour and don't quote his hate. I seem to have read more of the Bible than he has but I'm a slow reader too, so I haven't got to Matthew 5:39 yet.

But the damage is done so, @jenkinsbrynmair, Jesuit (in the hate-filled sense in which I would imagine you might use the term; I know you are not a member of the esteemed Society of Jesus), please tell the others (I will not see) what is MEDIOCRE in the strict sense, not the sneering sense in which you meant it, about Hawklord's year.
I should really have squished and replaced her but she's a lovely looking queen who always comes up to the top of the frames when I inspect and looks up at me ... didn't have the heart to take her to the fence. Hoping she gets into swing this season. [l/QUOTE]

Ha ha.......sounds like the reason I have 7 colonies instead of the 4 I should have
All this scathing from JBM, makes me sad. Perhaps he has had a lonely or sad, Christmas. Or the Whisky has left a bad feeling. None the less we should be kind, and patient. As the Good Lord Is. Come on JBM.....tell us...what is up?
All this scathing from JBM, makes me sad. Perhaps he has had a lonely or sad, Christmas. Or the Whisky has left a bad feeling. None the less we should be kind, and patient. As the Good Lord Is. Come on JBM.....tell us...what is up?

I've had a very good and fulfilling Christmas thanks for asking,too busy with friends and family to be lonely and as for whisky, only the occasional drop passed my lips - I don't tend to marinade myself in alcohol same as some on here obviously do (either that or the medication needs tweaking) Unfortunately the older I get the less tolerant I am of fools and bumptious id!ots.
As for Hawklord - I am sure he can handle a bit of lighthearted fencing.
All this scathing from JBM, makes me sad. Perhaps he has had a lonely or sad, Christmas. Or the Whisky has left a bad feeling. None the less we should be kind, and patient. As the Good Lord Is. Come on JBM.....tell us...what is up?

I don't think he's emptied his sack this year - santa that is.
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