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    • Camey
      Camey replied to the thread Stonebrood?.
      What is this forum about again? O yes over-self opinionated people who have years of expert knowledge who use it to belittle and berate...
    • Camey
      Camey replied to the thread Stonebrood?. Standard methods for fungal brood disease research. 2. Stonebrood 2.1. Introduction Stonebrood...
    • Camey
      Camey replied to the thread Stonebrood?.
      John Gilberdyke- thans for your comment- stonebrood is not in same book as Nessie, and if you did look at my original brood picture and...
      • stonebrood.png
    • Camey
      Camey replied to the thread Stonebrood?.
    • Camey
      Camey reacted to oxnatbees's post in the thread Stonebrood? with Like Like.
      Take care not to breathe in dust etc. Maybe wear a mask. Stonebrood is the one bee disease which can affect us (our lungs).
    • Camey
      Camey posted the thread Stonebrood? in Honeybee Health Topics.
      I know is rare, this hive never made it into Spring, first full inspection today, weather, temperature not been suitable till now. A few...
      • IMG_2710.jpeg
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