Recent content by Camey

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  1. Camey


    What is this forum about again? O yes over-self opinionated people who have years of expert knowledge who use it to belittle and berate others with less years experience. What a positive message to give to any new beekeepers unfortunate enough to risk asking any questions or queries , shame to...
  2. Camey

    Stonebrood? Standard methods for fungal brood disease research. 2. Stonebrood 2.1. Introduction Stonebrood is a very rare honey bee brood disease caused by several fungi from the genus Aspergillus. The disease was first described by Massen (1906) and has since then...
  3. Camey


    John Gilberdyke- thans for your comment- stonebrood is not in same book as Nessie, and if you did look at my original brood picture and compared it with the stonebrood pictures in you will see just how closely the resemble each other.
  4. Camey

  5. Camey


    I know is rare, this hive never made it into Spring, first full inspection today, weather, temperature not been suitable till now. A few foragers , some capped brood , some stores, no queen, and most frames have 40-50 cells with white chalky cells. No mummies , seen chalk brood before , looks...
  6. Camey

    Vaping newbie

    Hi all, good thread, although not seen much chat re RPE protection. Really for anyone new to vapping a big consideration is to ensure you wear an appropriate face mask, for example, Sundstrom SR100 half mask with combination filter SR 229-2 ABEK1HGP3. Gas Vap works well I use it every time, the...
  7. Camey


    Another option?, wont stop removal, and resiting in new kit but might stop any opportunistic S bags? I would't by the kit £60 but a printed poster might give a second thought?
  8. Camey

    Beeamond - I thought this was wind up but it looks real

    WOW- just read this web page, some mighty claims!!
  9. Camey

    Added more Fondant- small amount left was frozen- wonder if ever a use for such as this?

    I have tended to follow "the Apiarist" advise as he was based less than 5k from me in Fife, so after removing the summer honey, I treat and feed fondant, gave each hive a full 12.5kg slab end of August, and all gone , so topped up, Fife has been very mild late season with flying foragers...
  10. Camey

    Added more Fondant- small amount left was frozen- wonder if ever a use for such as this?

    Ok, I guess I must be bored ( not a footy fan :)) Also strapping on my hard hat, if anyone reads this and wants to reply lol Checked x3 hives yesterday- was sunny, no wind , no rain for once, around 5 deg C mind you. I knew x1 was hefting really well, felt stuck to ground. The other 2 not...
  11. Camey

    First experience of hive theft issues!

    Definitely seeing more regular flooding events, likely an amalgamation of causes. Although I'm no expert but do feel the use of concrete and modern flood barriers miss the point and are trying to contain the cow after the gate left open. I would love to see us going back and managing the rivers...
  12. Camey

    First experience of hive theft issues!

    Yeah, your right, never seen so much rain dumped in such a short time, my own garden was also flooded and in hindsight maybe I should have checked the field however there was only a small burn running around 200 feet away and it was about 20 feet below the field so was not even on my mind...
  13. Camey

    First experience of hive theft issues!

    No , hope be was an empty
  14. Camey

    First experience of hive theft issues!

    WELL!- what can I say, I have had a few days to investigate the attempted " theft" at my out Apiary. Today I eventually managed to speak to the landowner to see if he had noticed anything untoward. Turns out, he had changed mobile etc and we were not able to contact each other till I spoke with...