You will find that this is probably the best bee forum there is. Unfortunately there is a price for the knowledge you seek. (as you have found out recently).
There are some very good keepers on this forum who will share their knowledge, but at a price. Some will poke fun at you, some will appear sarcastic and some may be quite rude (and smug). Most of it is not meant to be nasty. It's easy for some to forget that they had to learn at one time and probably more gradually in their day, as now beekeeping is a far bigger 'lake of knowledge' which you are expected to pick up in a short space of time it seems. I don't know your age but, you will no doubt be aware that teaching now, is different to the 'rule by fear' of 'yester-year' that many of the
old beeks on here were brought up with and many younger members can't hack it. Just give as good as you get. If they can't take it, then they shouldn't hand it out, eh?
(Help, from a young, handsome guy, like me, has no cost LOL)
The longest journey starts with the first (dodgy) step!