Instant vap, used for first time

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I use landing boards to prevent bees falling into the grass on foraging return so for vaping oxalic I have a hole drilled into the back of the floor which takes the copper pipe and the pop a dowel in the hole when finished. No eke - they are for later when the fondant goes on. I have this horrible feeling that I may be producing really healthy bees to feed the hornets when they arrive!!
I use homemade underfloor entranced from this forum, drilled a whole in the back and vape through that, nothing fancy but does the job.
Might just vape through the OMF itself in future...
done it like that for years and it's worked a treat, just use about 2.3-2.5 g of OA, steel plate istead of an ispection tray, piece of foam stuffed in the back, entrance left open
So, Emyr - do you use your Instantvap on OMF nucs or only on hives where you can insert the foam or dropings board? Cheers
Still haven't had the guts to buy a battery and try out my varrox! I think I need to check out some videos on utube and source a battery (thinking one of those car jump start type things rather than an actual car battery due to weight).
Still haven't had the guts to buy a battery and try out my varrox! I think I need to check out some videos on utube and source a battery (thinking one of those car jump start type things rather than an actual car battery due to weight).
My jump start type battery was hopeless. It timed out at 1min 45 and had to be reset before continuing. I now use a mobility scooter battery. Much lighter, can be carried in a shopping bag and does all 8 hives in one go.
My jump start type battery was hopeless. It timed out at 1min 45 and had to be reset before continuing. I now use a mobility scooter battery
Alternatively a 12 volt child's electric car battery.

:iagree: even a 40ah car battery is no heavier and less bulky than a starter pack and is good for a dozen or more hives in one hit.
:iagree: even a 40ah car battery is no heavier and less bulky than a starter pack and is good for a dozen or more hives in one hit.

Nothing fancy for us when using the instavap, straight in the entrance with a rag to hold the vapour in, same way with the nucs.
Nothing fancy for us when using the instavap, straight in the entrance with a rag to hold the vapour in, same way with the nucs.
With nothing covering the OMF in nucs? Would be delighted to hear that works, currently contemplating how to temporarily block the OMF in my nucs for the Instantvap.
currently contemplating how to temporarily block the OMF in my nucs for the Instantvap.
why do you think you need to? the sublimate rises, desublimates then drifts over the bees, happens in seconds it doesn't really matter whether the OMF is open as when it hits the floor, open or not, that stuff is redundant.
You could always make the eke I use for varrox vaping through the OMF on nucs and just sit the nuc on top to close it up during vaping - a simple solution but it will work for those nucs with 'feet.eke 1.jpgeke 3.jpgeke 4.jpgeke 6.jpg
I think a lot of this hermetically sealing up and closing every little crack in the hive is just vestigial thinking from the days of apiguard and the likes when everyone accepted that the 'vapour' that lurked in the hives throughout treatment was the magic ingredient
why do you think you need to? the sublimate rises,
The stuff comes out of an instantvap like a rocket not gently rising like from a hot iron. Much of it just shoots out of an omf if you are vaping from the back. If you’re vaping from the top then you don’t need to block anything off.
why do you think you need to? the sublimate rises, desublimates then drifts over the bees, happens in seconds it doesn't really matter whether the OMF is open as when it hits the floor, open or not, that stuff is redundant.
You could always make the eke I use for varrox vaping through the OMF on nucs and just sit the nuc on top to close it up during vaping - a simple solution but it will work for those nucs with 'feet.View attachment 41309View attachment 41310View attachment 41311View attachment 41314
I think a lot of this hermetically sealing up and closing every little crack in the hive is just vestigial thinking from the days of apiguard and the likes when everyone accepted that the 'vapour' that lurked in the hives throughout treatment was the magic ingredient
For the reason Dani suggests, if it were a varrox or similar I'd probably be tempted to do it from underneath. With it being an 'active' sublimation rather than 'passive' (think BMH used those terms to differentiate), I'm not keen on firing loads of OA out for it to s8nk straight through the OMF of my nucs. Just overthinkinking and overcomplicating things no doubt, always worrying fruitlessly!
For the reason Dani suggests, if it were a varrox or similar I'd probably be tempted to do it from underneath. With it being an 'active' sublimation rather than 'passive' (think BMH used those terms to differentiate), I'm not keen on firing loads of OA out for it to s8nk straight through the OMF of my nucs. Just overthinkinking and overcomplicating things no doubt, always worrying fruitlessly!
I have made vaping ekes for the nucs. Vape from top