Importation of bees

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When SHB arrives in UK it will probably be via a package of bees (with a health certificate or not). What will the NBU policy be when SHB is discovered in your apiary? It will be compulsory destruction of the whole apiary and treatment of the soil. Plus SHB can fly, so the chances are it will be all over the area very quickly. Is that what any amateur beekeeper wants? I cannot see how a commercial bee farmer could recover from that. It is a very different prospect from Foulbrood.

Do we really want to take that risk?
I bet your fun at parties, are you also after a ban on fruit imports and plants at the same time?
I bet your fun at parties, are you also after a ban on fruit imports and plants at the same time?
If I am wrong, tell me why. If all you can do is make derogatory comments, you have lost the argument. This thread is titled "Importation of Bees", not fruit and plants.
If I am wrong, tell me why. If all you can do is make derogatory comments, you have lost the argument. This thread is titled "Importation of Bees", not fruit and plants.
But are you also calling for a ban on them simple question yes or no
The law is very clear:

4. You cannot import packages of bees from any country other than New Zealand;

It is there in their own words.
No issue with importing packages in to Northern Ireland from EU. The problem is that they are not packages when then exit Northern Ireland, they have frames and 'BIAS'. NI is also part of the UK so this invalidates your argument through governments instance of no trade barriers with NI and rest of GB.
Another untended consequence of a botch Brexit transition
But are you also calling for a ban on them simple question yes or no
A ban on what? Packages of bees or BE? There is already a ban on packages, and YES it should continue. As for the actions of BE, YES
A ban on what? Packages of bees or BE? There is already a ban on packages, and YES it should continue. As for the actions of BE, YES
No I’m asking if you also want a ban on fruit/veg and plant imports, quite straight forward yes or no pls. Ian
No issue with importing packages in to Northern Ireland from EU. The problem is that they are not packages when then exit Northern Ireland, they have frames and 'BIAS'. NI is also part of the UK so this invalidates your argument through governments instance of no trade barriers with NI and rest of GB.
Another untended consequence of a botch Brexit transition
Quote from the DEFRA website:
"HMRC have anti-avoidance measures in place to ensure that only genuine trade between NI and GB benefits from unfettered market access."
I'm not going there...
So your not going there because you don’t understand the question or you don’t understand the link? Both show a gap in your argument and quite a large gap in knowledge on the subject.
If I were someone paying/getting a nuc with a laying Q, I would want to see a nice brood pattern when transferring to my own hive or own larger nuc.
If I were someone paying/getting a nuc with a laying Q, I would want to see a nice brood pattern when transferring to my own hive or own larger nuc.
The guys been in business long enough to realise what a nuc is, however there is now the package plus option considerably cheaper than most Nucs. I’ve never met him or bought anything from the company just FYI.
Quote from the DEFRA website:
"HMRC have anti-avoidance measures in place to ensure that only genuine trade between NI and GB benefits from unfettered market access."
If he's processed his NI import in someway - ie 'upgraded' his package to a package plus - I recon there is every chnace he'll get away with it. Those enforcing the law will not be looking to do so in order to prevent imports per se (in fact quite possible they are lookign for excuses not to prevent imports given the policitcal embarressment of a 'border in the Irish Sea'.)
If he's processed his NI import in someway - ie 'upgraded' his package to a package plus - I recon there is every chnace he'll get away with it. Those enforcing the law will not be looking to do so in order to prevent imports per se (in fact quite possible they are lookign for excuses not to prevent imports given the policitcal embarressment of a 'border in the Irish Sea'.)

No difference in principle from importing parts and assembling a car from them.

Boris promised there would be no border so I would imagine the political will to enforce anything will be totally absent.
Quote from the DEFRA website:
"HMRC have anti-avoidance measures in place to ensure that only genuine trade between NI and GB benefits from unfettered market access."
do you really think the HMRC will be bothered by a few bees? As BIAB said this is no a straight transfer of bees from EU to NI, with the intension of supplying same bees to GB directly as packages. The rework and adding value of placing the package bees onto combs looks very likely to have found a loophole. Same will continue to happen for all sorts of raw materials and components as it has in Europe for decades until the final product is completed and then tax, VAT etc is paid in the final destination. That when HMRC really want to know what going on for taxable / Vatable produces
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