Once you have your 400 (?) colony's set up at Down Ampney, how will you be preventing their swarming instict?
Our swarm control method is quite involved but does work well. Could be typing for about a day and a half to go into all the details. you do not prevent their swarming instinct anyway, you control it and use it to your advantage.
Are you planning on building further colony's
On these locations no.........this is the ceiling numbers for the Co-op unit in the entire area.
, or are you going to be selling NUC's,
definitely not.
or destroying them?
Why would we need to destroy anything? Only archaic methods result in open ended number increase. The swarm control splits will be reunited back to their parents, making the system a requeening system as well as swarm control.
Obviously, the bees are going to want to breed... Last year swarming in the area was exceptional. After a warm couple of weeks in April came a very cold May. Then came a hot morning and all the colony's swarmed after being unable to inspect due to the weather being too cold. This happen to numerous people I know, and would have no idea how you would prevent it.
We inspect anyway. Only stop in actual falling rain. Just have to do it.
I would also be very happy to challenge your swarm control with the use of a few trees on the perimeter of the farm.

... I am afraid I would have to requeen, and\or pass her back to you though...
Same response as we got in the north last year, and in the unlikely event of you finding one I would be delighted to have it back! <G> However, if our experience elsewhere is anything to go by more will WANT it than decline it.
The welcome to associaitons is a genuine one. you really ARE welcome to come. Closed minds may have, as one put it 'nothing to gain' from such a visit, but many will get a lot of enjoyment from it.