New Bee
Hello. I caught a swarm early this year and quickly knocked together my national hive that I got last year. I discovered that a national hive fits 12 frames in and I only had 10 brood frames but I went ahead and put the frames in and leaving a gap at each end thinking the bees would start on the foundation and I could slip two new frames in the side as soon as I could get them. I ordered straight away but it must have been a busy time because it took over a week to get my frames. When I opened the hive I found the bees had built cone in the gap between the frame and the hive. I put the lid on while I had a think what to do and a few more days went past. I decided to cut the cone out and tie it into a frame with no foundation and put it back in the hive. Everything went ok but the cone wasn’t straight in the frame so the bees have followed the line of the wonky cone threw the hive. It is not as bad as it sounds but it needs to be sorted out
My plan was to put the super on the bottom and the brood box on top. I understand that the bees eat the honey from the bottom up so in early spring the super would be empty for the queen to start laying eggs. I would put the queen excluder back on double checking the queen was in the bottom. It would be easier to slowly change the frames in the brood box with no brood in. Would this work
My plan was to put the super on the bottom and the brood box on top. I understand that the bees eat the honey from the bottom up so in early spring the super would be empty for the queen to start laying eggs. I would put the queen excluder back on double checking the queen was in the bottom. It would be easier to slowly change the frames in the brood box with no brood in. Would this work