How do you clean your frames

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House Bee
Jan 3, 2012
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It won't be long and I will have quite a few frames to clean as the end of the season approaches.

I'm thinking of doing it this year by getting an old cast iron single gas/propane burner, a cut down oil drum and getting a boil and cleaning the frames that way. Oil drums are very cheap and easily available.

Does anyone else do it this way?

Would like to hear of variations to this as well.

You can remove as much wax an propolis as you can with a hive tool then boil in a soda solution for a few minutes, or soak in diluted bleach. To me, both are quite time consuming and seconds frames aren't that expensive.
Society could arrange boiling happening with 3% lye .

100 frames on one hour. Then washing with pressure washer.
I meant to add that the NBU have a document on hive cleaning that gives the percentages of bleach or soda, should you wish to use those methods. Google 'nbu sterilisation'.
Many Thanks for your replies, advice and ideas.

Peter I liked your set up and would like an urn boiler ideally, but it's a more expensive option compared with my oil drum option.

I can buy an oil drum for £13.00 at the moment, where as I am unable to buy a second hand one, though I would prefer the urn.

I use a modified steam kettle wax melter a bit like the Thornes one... except I use an oversized brood box that takes 15 frames and have a second steam kettle attached to the base so steam is injected throughout... and it also gets the aluminum base nice and hot so the wax flows out.

Steralised and dewaxed frames have wire and slumgum removed... wire sold as scrap and slumgum goes to the compost heap.

Frames are then boiled in a 3% lye ( UK.. washing soda) solution in a 50 gallon oil drum.
A wood fire from useless frames and even some of dried slumgum provides the heat, a thick steel sheet will prevent burning out the base of the drum, and a chimney of some sort will get the smoke away, and induce a draught for the fire!
Soap scum and any propolis is power washed off and frames set to dry, and stored in old patten Waitrose/Tesco/Sainsbury large plastic shopping delivery baskets ( cheap at 50p per 100 on fleabuy!... ready for SWMBO to wax up early next season!!

You should see how the Danes do it!!!!

Yeghes da
If you compare how much you must use soda 24% or lye 3%, it is huge difference in 70 litre cettle.

Before you dip frames, tie them in punch. Easy to swap and handle in rinsing.
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You can remove as much wax an propolis as you can with a hive tool then boil in a soda solution for a few minutes, or soak in diluted bleach. To me, both are quite time consuming and seconds frames aren't that expensive.

This is what i did recently in my Burco. It's mucky, but very efficient.

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