just to let everyone know, BB wear rang me this morning, they are gonna replace the hood for me.
They are as perplexed as I am, they asked if i wore any gel (which i dont) i also told them that ive used the same shampoo for years, i dont put on deodorant before i go out to an inspection. I shower the night before so they smell of body wash isnt as strong the next day. (sometimes i literally get out of bed, brush my teeth and go out to do an inspection, i have my breakfast when i come home)
I dont wear aftershave, i use an electric razor so no shaving gel either.
It could be as some have suggested that there are some lingering pheromones in the band, but that wouldnt explain why they went for it on day 1
And just to answer some of the points that were brought up in other posts. I brush my teeth twice a day, so im fairly certain that i don have bad breath, i shower everyday, sometimes twice a day, i dont eat anything strong like curries, i sometime have garlic, but thats usually on bread in the evening (i dont do inspections after 6 – 7 unless its a really good day which it hasnt been cause its been raining buckets for the last few weeks over here)
These are all valid points but i and BB wear cant understand what the hell is wrong with the hood. In any case, i will be sending my hood back to them so they cant take a look at it. They also told me that they will be changing the material that they use for these bands, not because of what happened to me, but they were “looking to change it anyway”
Interesting...i wonder if many others have contacted them with something similar.
In any case, ill let ye know what happens with my hood after i send it back
Thanks for all the suggestions as well guys, appreciate it although i have to admit when i started the thread, i didnt think id be explain my personal hygiene to everyone!