Hello from Holland

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New Bee
Feb 18, 2016
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Hello, I am a dutch beekeeper since 5 years. I live in the northern part of the Netherlands(Friesland).

Currently I have 3 hives and hope to expand to around 10 this year(and even more at a later stage).

I like to build stuff so I build most of my equipment myself. Furthermore I practice queen breeding and rearing as well.
Hello, I am a dutch beekeeper since 5 years. I live in the northern part of the Netherlands(Friesland).

Currently I have 3 hives and hope to expand to around 10 this year(and even more at a later stage).

I like to build stuff so I build most of my equipment myself. Furthermore I practice queen breeding and rearing as well.

Welcome Wimmels, dutch beekeeping is not that different to the UK so you will find lots to interest you on here, we have a couple of members who live in the Netherlands so you are not alone. It's always interesting to hear what new members do so tell us more about your beekeeping when you get time.
Hello, I am a dutch beekeeper since 5 years. I live in the northern part of the Netherlands(Friesland).

Currently I have 3 hives and hope to expand to around 10 this year(and even more at a later stage).

I like to build stuff so I build most of my equipment myself. Furthermore I practice queen breeding and rearing as well.

Firstly welcome to the forum, you lucky man living in the Netherlands, loads of really good 'queen breeders' there, what breed of bee do you keep?
welkom op het forum! Ik hoop dat wij van dienst kunnen zijn. Er zijn hier nogal wat mensen die zelf kasten bouwen dus je bent hier op de goeie plek!
Hello, I am a dutch beekeeper since 5 years. I live in the northern part of the Netherlands(Friesland).

Currently I have 3 hives and hope to expand to around 10 this year(and even more at a later stage).

I like to build stuff so I build most of my equipment myself. Furthermore I practice queen breeding and rearing as well.

A very warm welcome to the forum Wimmels. I hope you find the contributions from other helpful and can give us the benefit of the wisdom of the Dutch beekeepers.
Thank you all for the welcome

Firstly welcome to the forum, you lucky man living in the Netherlands, loads of really good 'queen breeders' there, what breed of bee do you keep?

I have Buckfast bee's. And indeed there are quite a few breeders over here.

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