have i ordered the right thing???

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BS = British standard. Manley frames have wide side bars that touch, where as SN 1 = super national have tapered sides & needs spacers or castellations.
in thorns sale the other day i ordered some BS Manley Frames, they are the ones for supers right? what does the BS stand for?
Yes Manley frames are the one for supers, and Bs means that they will fit National or Smith hives. You need to trim the lugs for them to fit Smith.

You fit 10 into each Super.
Suggest you ask T's for a catalogue - they no longer seem to send them as routine with orders. They have a good explanatory page about the different frames in there.

Yes Manleys are for supers, and BS Manleys will fit Nationals
Suggest you ask T's for a catalogue - they no longer seem to send them as routine with orders.
Firstly they cost a lot to produce...hence separate price list and biannual catalogue. Second it saves energy and trees....and a couple of clicks and it's on your hard drive and searcheable...

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SN1's have parallel sides. Simple, cheap and/or easy to make. Don't know where this taper thing comes from.
SN1's have parallel sides. Simple, cheap and/or easy to make. Don't know where this taper thing comes from.

I rather think the OP meant broad top, narrow bottom . as the hoffman :)
Manley frames can be a pain, especially if ones bees are heavy propolis users .
They end up being propolised from top to bottom and usually have to be prised out of super in one lump :D
Sorry but I disagree, I have never had them "out in one lump" but possibly I can exert more power with my hive tool?

They end up being propolised from top to bottom and usually have to be prised out of super in one lump :D

This is one of the things that i dislike about them,even Manley mentioned bumping the whole box of frames out, then splitting them, when this happened,and sometimes a good bump would crack the propolis seal.
Not to convenient for some uncapping machines or extractors either.
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It would seem sensible to post first and order 2nd? LOL

Saves the washing ya ken...

Poly Hive for Private Message?


Best translate matey

Just a spelling error in the last word try substituting the 1st e for an a. Is that better? lol

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