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Yesterday.. hailstorm.. nothing to say.. " The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.." I must be a great sinner..


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Yesterday.. hailstorm.. nothing to say.. " The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.." I must be a great sinner..
It's heartbreaking when all your hard work is wrecked so quickly. They will hopefully recover To some extent
Yesterday.. hailstorm.. nothing to say.. " The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.." I must be a great sinner..
That's really sad Goran ... you don't expect hail at this time of the year where you are .. hopefully the plants will recover to some extent.
We will see.. Though they say it just has started, and we should get used to it as new normal.. Some places even got much worse of it - roof tiles were broken as they were bombarded, etc. They show it - size of tennis balls.. Also they say storks refused to leave nests and young ones and were killed in their nests.. That is some horror show..
Been tieing up and pinching out my cordon tomatoes, they really seem to have taken off -quite a few clutches of flowers on all of them now ... I just love the smell of tomato plants.
My blackcurrants are near ripe ... I suspect the birds will be watching as well. The smell of blackcurrant bushes is another delight in the allotment. No rain down here so I was watering the raised beds and pots - they were looking very dry.
I love the smell of blackcurrants. I'm having a couple of days break from the veggie plot though, having spent most of last week weeding. Again. The weeds have been absolutely rampant this year and I really wanted to get rid of as many as possible before they started setting seed.

We've also found that we have new pests in the plot this year. As well as deer, pigeons and pheasants over the last few days we've started to find rabbits invading. I've not seen any rabbits around here for years and had assumed the cats were keeping the numbers down, but perhaps now they're getting older the pest control isn't quite up to snuff, though in fairness my wife did find one of them breakfasting on a small rabbit in the polytunnel this morning.

I'm making further progress on the compost toilet too, now I have it in what will almost certainly be its final resting place, given that it's been so awkward to move. I pinched some scrap timber from work and have built the main part of the "throne". Hopefully I have enough left over for a door on the front and then I need to buy (the horror!) a seat so I can decide the correct position and size for the hole above the bucket.


My late Dad owned a factory in 1952 in Dublin which made beautiful mahogany lavatory seats. Unfortunately it was just at the point in history when the world moved to making plastic seats and as they were so cheap the business had to close. Dad then made his living turning wooden bowls which ended up for sale in a large department store in Dublin, He often described the lavatory seat period as the bottom dropping out of the market!