Not scientific but with silicone mat on the inner face temp was too hot to handle realistically, one would have got burnt.
Undid the screw and removed the shield bashed it flat with rubber hammer and inverted it/bent it into shape again so the silicone mat was on the exterior and re tightened it again. I used three fibre washers as the spacing.
I simulated a vape using some OA used for cleansing (not going to waste the apbioxal) at sublimation temp I let the vape expire (reduced flame once vapes appeared), at end of process the wooden cap was quite hot to the touch but not scorchio & the shield was quite warm still to much for me to really hold straight away. Certainly the mods do make the exterior/shield cooler a lot, though as Neil has mentioned not very comfortable to pick up straight away. A glove may or will be needed to handle initially but not the thick heavy garden glove I have been using.
The mod certainly works in reducing heat to 25 - 28C or so is better then touching over 100C, a lot may depend on how the body reacts to heat sensing. Some will have a higher pain threshold to heat then others so able to handle warmer objects then others.
I know this because when swimbo runs a bath there is no way I can sit in the same temp water.