Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

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Me neither, to be honest. There's a big and quite scrawny tree near us with flowers like that, I'd been told it was Robinia and took their word for it.

Hi you are right it is:

Robins Pseudoscacia
Something for the June gap!
Hedgerow fuchsia
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Had the June gap here - think it started at dawn yesterday as the hawthorn has gone over - definitely gone by middday as there was loads of bramble flowers opening :D
Ceanothus is the most poplar plant with bees in my garden - can have upwards of 40 on it on a warm afternoon.
I cant work out what my girls are bringing in . They have been non stop filling the supers and the smell is fantastic . Very floral/citrus and the frames seem to be staining yellow .
Palm tree outside my window in costa del Anglesey
2 honey bees covered in pollen
At last, through the night, the proper rain we've not had in these parts for four weeks. I had noticed that the cotoneaster, though thick with flowers, has not been attracting bees which was odd. This morning they are on it. Perhaps the bushes we too dry to produce nectar.

Another 'June Gap' filler just beginning to turn orange is the Budhlia Globosa. A few days and they'll be on it like there's no tomorrow. So easy to reproduce by cuttings. I made three more in the early spring of 2014 and this year all three are six foot and quite spreading already, full of flower buds.

A delightful disadvantage of having an apple trained just behind three of my hives: I reckon every flower has set. Five apples forming at every couple of inches on most of the branches - so sad to have to go in with scissors and take 80% of them out!
Just back from a lovely walk in the park in glorious sunshine
Himalayan balsam just about to break bud
I thought it was early last year, flowering early July, but mid June.........
Anybody else got it in flower yet ????
Just back from a lovely walk in the park in glorious sunshine
Himalayan balsam just about to break bud
I thought it was early last year, flowering early July, but mid June.........
Anybody else got it in flower yet ????

It has all been poisoned near to me as well as everything else in the area, the farmer must have sprayed it on a windy day as a lot of the leaves are dead on the trees also.:mad:
Just back from a lovely walk in the park in glorious sunshine
Himalayan balsam just about to break bud
I thought it was early last year, flowering early July, but mid June.........
Anybody else got it in flower yet ????

It isn't even in bud here yet. It is really tall though but no signs of flowering just yet.
Just back from a lovely walk in the park in glorious sunshine
Himalayan balsam just about to break bud
I thought it was early last year, flowering early July, but mid June.........
Anybody else got it in flower yet ????

About 20cm high here..
Himalayan balsam 50cm high around my apiary.
Laburnum just finishing on my road but buzzing with bees in the Ribble Valley yesterday.
Clover out on the school playing fields. Hope with the council cutbacks they leave it a while before mow.
Elderflowers out around here also.
My leptospermum is ablaze with blossom
Luckily there is not a single honey bee on it :)
Spotted a large stand of Rosebay in bloom already
I have some pics from today but won't have chance to post them for a while. I planted a Rambling Rose to cover a fence and climb into the canopy of a Rowan tree. It's Francis. E. Lester, covered in clusters of pink tinged, open, white flowers with a centre that looks like an egg yolk. The bees, have moved on to the Rose now that the Wisteria has gone over.
I've got my fingers crossed but so far my bees are not suffering a June gap.
Bees keep staggering in with full loads and full shopping baskets and bramble is coming into flower.
Just back from a lovely walk in the park in glorious sunshine
Himalayan balsam just about to break bud
I thought it was early last year, flowering early July, but mid June.........
Anybody else got it in flower yet ????

Had a walk along the banks of the river Calder near Whalley today. Balsam just beginning to flower in a few places and bramble flowers just beginning to open.
Lime a little way off yet.