So ... The experiences of the majority of those who have tried flow hives in the UK appear not to have really met the original claims of Marketing information when the Flow Hive funding campaign was launched.
I would think, in a climate such as Australia (
where the flow hive was invented), where there is a good chance of consistently warm weather, the honey can be extracted fairly easily from the flow frames. Plus, the major nectar flows in Australia come from the large variety of Eucalyptus trees and they, on the whole, produce honey that is fairly slow to crystallise.
I think it's something in the UK that would need a fair bit of knowledge of actual beekeeping and certainly a very close eye on what the bees are foraging on ... extraction from the frames would need to be carefully managed according to what is being stored by the bees and timed to coincide with warm weather. My worry was always that it would attract people who thought they could just stick one of these hives in the garden and have 'honey on tap' and I rather suspect there are a large number of disappointed would-be beekeepers. I hope some of these turned into 'real' beekeepers ...I wonder if existing beekeepers who bought into the idea still have flow frames in use or whether they have been consigned to the back of the bee shed (in embarrasment or desperation ? - We've all got a few horrors tucked away in our chamber of secrets !).
From my point of view the downsides of using flow frames in the UK far outweigh the few advantages .. I'm always keen to try new ideas and new methods (and revisit some old ones) but I really can't see any major benefit that would persuade me to bother with them. I quite like gadgets and I admire the clever engineering and the train of thought that got the inventors to actually market the Flow Hive ...
They are still selling them, 7 years now ... but I do worry that their marketing is directed at people who may not really know much about beekeeping ...
I wonder if the beekeepers shown in the UK are still as enthusiastic ? One has a You Tube channel where the last comment was in 2018 .... doesn't bode well does it ?