planning on their first inspection of the year?
Essex stretches from London to the North Sea and has too great a variety of weathers to be of use. Where are you in Essex, Nbw?
At the London end it was warm today, probably 15C, and all bees were flying; plenty of cherry, V.tinus, dandelion and pear in flower, and willow budding.
Before you follow the crowd, ask yourself what you hope to achieve by opening now: if the colony is queenless, you cannot unite the remains to another, and if the current queen is dud, you cannot yet buy a queen to replace her.
If the colony is foraging well and weight was decent when you hefted, then consider whether it is still necessary to feed fondant. Excessive stores will fill brood combs and limit laying space, and that is one surefire way to stimulate swarming further down the road.
Five reasons to open a colony, though written by Ted Hooper more than 50 years ago, hold good today. Use them as a basic guide, adapt timing to your weather and forage, and don't follow the herd in a far-away field.