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    • I
      IBeeZac replied to the thread First swarm..
      little update… Swarmed again today at lunchtime. Settled on an apply tree about 15m from the hive. By the time I got home (3.30pm) the...
    • I
      IBeeZac reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread First swarm. with Like Like.
      no - and they don't do walk-ins any more, you have to order then arrange a collection time/date
    • I
      IBeeZac replied to the thread First swarm..
      Yes, I contacted about joining/turning up to sessions/learning…. Not a sausage.
    • I
      IBeeZac replied to the thread First swarm..
      Thanks all for your responses. Looks like I need to buy another hive or at least a nuc and get a split going asap (are Maisemore open...
    • I
      IBeeZac replied to the thread First swarm..
      Thanks all. Just to clarify, they swarmed on Wednesday and were returned to the hive on Wednesday. I did an inspection today (Saturday)...
    • I
      IBeeZac replied to the thread First swarm..
      I believe so, however I also believe my queen was clipped, so no idea how she might have flown the 100m to the neighbours gate!
    • I
      IBeeZac posted the thread First swarm. in Beginners Section.
      My bees swarmed on Wednesday! Luckily they settled on a friendly neighbours gate. I collected them in a cardboard box, stuck an extra...
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