Eric, I've just noticed your new avatar, have you dumped your beloved Volvo?
Oh, Lord, that had to go when ULEZ fell on London.
What to do? Toyota Hilux was recommended but over £10k for a decent one and diesel is (and will be) punished in cities. Always wanted to try a Land Rover so scraped together £7.5k and got a Series 3 petrol LWB from a classic car website.
Originally a South African diesel pickup, it was converted to a petrol station wagon in SA and imported by a doctor who'd relocated to work in Southampton. He lived in a village and wife needed a car asap, so it had to go. His mistake was to tell me of his urgent need to sell, so I knocked him down by about £4k.
Few issues (inevitable) as the poor refit showed that corners had been cut: one memorable night on a freezing A12 the distributor internals blew up (bush mechanic fix failed). Great thing is that I can repair nearly everything myself.
It's always an engaging drive. Small boys tell me how much they like it and (weird) all-sorts take videos in traffic. Heard one young man say, while on his phone and crossing at the Dalston lights:
I'm looking at a car from World War 3.
Load bay is half an inch too narrow to take two Nationals side-by-side, but I'll take off the riveted galv side rubbing strips to get the extra. Every week I empty and bleach it and chuck a few buckets of water in to rinse, and most goes out of the drain holes. Bit like a bath, really.
Has four windows and six vents (four in the safari roof) so carrying thirty nucs holds no fear of overheating. Ah, yes, there's no heater as it was exported to a hot country, but even in snow it's not really an issue.
Drawbacks: had to fit an expensive tracker & alarm and insurance is too high (no-one has touched it) and it is thirsty, but does the job I ask of it and is great fun.
Real benefit is that pre-1981 vehicles are ULEZ exempt. It's not a widespread way to get round the restriction, though I heard it said that London hospital car parks now have a scattering of consultants' expensive classic cars...