Easy Queen rearing

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Finman posted a photo of a virgin queen being artificial inseminated, question how to you get the sperm from the drones into that tube an how do you know when the queen is full ?
You use a syringe to suck the sperm from the squished Drone
I think you guess how much you want to put into the queen,About 10 ul .
Cant rememeber with out looking at me book :)
Thank you hivemaker, fully understood I don't think I will be doing this but would like to know a bit more about raising queens, do you know if there are any good videos on the market, I understand the grafting but what to do then gets a bit confusing.
P.H, your method. Looked at my hives last night just to top up the fondant, and all are bringing in lots of yellow pollen, so hopefully will soon be building up to bursting point, again, just want to catch them before they attach themselves to next doors hedge again (last year I caught a swarm every night for a week ! in there hedge).
Since then iv'e learnt a lot!

Dave W

I assume you are going to re-queen said colony and not raise queens from it?

I assume you are going to re-queen said colony and not raise queens from it?

Yes Tim, I have two coloies which have Buckfast Cecropia queens which I bought last year to requeen two very swarmy Cariolans. I intend to rear queens from these to replace the remaining Carnie royalties and also split three colonies so will need queens for these also.

dave W
Man must have hegemony over everything.

Great way to ensure genetic diversity.
Natural order at its best.
HM - yes i realise that when you are harvesting sperm you will get through loads of drones BUT in a video demonstrating the technique? just seemed rather repetitive for a demo.

But then perhaps it's just my old school medical background: "see one; do one; teach one"
(alas no more as jr docs do very little hands on and and procedures are either taught in simulation labs ratrher than on patients or are performed under imaging guidance rather than blind/freehand like in the old days).
In the case of drones it takes a few hundred to be anything like proficient....not many medical procedures like that I would hope! As for the horror some show at II....do they express the same verbal dislike of IVF...and abstain from eating beef and pork....

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HM - yes i realise that when you are harvesting sperm you will get through loads of drones BUT in a video demonstrating the technique? just seemed rather repetitive for a demo.

But then perhaps it's just my old school medical background: "see one; do one; teach one"
(alas no more as jr docs do very little hands on and and procedures are either taught in simulation labs ratrher than on patients or are performed under imaging guidance rather than blind/freehand like in the old days).

My brother is a medical student and he has spent the last two years on wards getting hands on experience with guidence from Doctors like every other medical student.
"My brother is a medical student and he has spent the last two years on wards getting hands on experience with guidence from Doctors like every other medical student."

hands on experience of what exactly? phlebotomists take blood, nurses give ivs, drains and lines are all inserted under imaging guidance. all routine jobs of junior docs (and to some extent medical students) in the past.
Man must have hegemony over everything.

Great way to ensure genetic diversity.
Natural order at its best.

The Soil Association have a stance on AI / II too !

but just how can a beebreeder perpetuate his financial gains and his genetically captured ideal strain, if there are no totally isolated open breeding sites to bee found ?​