Does Bioactive Honey exist?

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I believe that in Australia they have put a "honey bandage" through the necessary hoops and it is now a legal item to use.

Why hospitals should be so reluctant to use honey I do not know as I read of a plastic surgeon using it as a remedy of last resort.

I detest false claims for honey.

I spent yesterday on a factory tour at Rowse down in Wallingford. A honey sampling was included. I questioned them about activity, specifically for their Manuka (sold in UMF5, UMF10, UMF20), but they also volunteered the information that they sometimes test activity in other honeys too, and a typical result would be equivalent to a UMF6 Manuka. Also darker honeys tend to have a higher activity level. We're obviously all missing a trick!!
but they also volunteered the information that they sometimes test activity in other honeys too, and a typical result would be equivalent to a UMF6 Manuka.

So it's not really 'unique' is it, just another scam by the Kiwis to sell honey at an inflated price to mugs^H^H^H^H customers
Fair play to the Kiwis I say. They don't make false claims about manuka. They aren't obliged to point out that all honey is active to some degree. With the right sort of investment in UK beekeeping we could do something similar, but for some reason we all like to fight each other instead. Beekeeping has become even more politicized and factional in the last few years. The Kiwis are laughing their heads off at us.
Oddly enough, Mrs Gloria Havenhand who has registered the Brother Adam's trade mark is also in the process of registering MEDI Bifudus.

So, honey might even be a health food:hurray:

Gloria Havenhand is lecturing at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the National Honey Show on the health benefits of honey.

Gloria Havenhand, owner of Troway Hall and bee-keeping centre in Derbyshire, lectures on the health-giving and restorative properties of untreated honey and bee pollen and donates all lecturing fees to the charity. She is the author of the best selling book “Your health, how bees can help”. "In my lectures, I often mention that Bio-Active Honey has been used for centuries for wound healing including during the Crimean, Napoleonic and both World Wars. "
I am the author of that book Finman.
It's called "All I know about Women" and yes, every page is blank.

Back to topic, it's ironic that Mr Spacey from the same organisation slagged off us amateurs and now she is lecturing at the Honey Show, not to mention a link to BBKA on their website.
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I am the author of that book Finman.
It's called "All I know about Women" and yes, every page is blank.

Back to topic, it's ironic that Mr Spacey from the same organisation slagged off us amateurs and now she is lecturing at the Honey Show, not to mention a link to BBKA on their website.

:) like I said, we have come full circle on this one, bizarre - maybe they should speak to each other.
Just browsing the web and came across a certain brand, they sell 'Bioactive Honey', what is this? what do they add? or is it......honey by another name!

? anyone know


I have met Mrs Havenhand when she gave a lecture at the National Honey show - she really fuelled us all to have all our honey's tested because she believes that the Kiwi's really are pulling a fast one on the British!

She told the audience that her honeys were tested regularly and advised where to get the testing done - why haven't any of you lot bothered todate? I have now tested mine ! And all is GREAT ! Maybe your honeys do not come up to scratch then !?

In relation to Trademarks - I do not own any but all names just like Coca-Cola all put their effort in their business and simply protect the same - so what is wrong with that!

One comment is right on this forum, we all scrap between ourselves and never move on .....why? oH why? It always seem to stem from jealousy, I feel.

Lastly, I have now visited Medibee in Sheffield, the week after the Honey Show and was amazed to find out that Mrs Havenhand's Medibee had donated over £7,000 to the Sheffield Childrens Hospital - this year - WOW ! How many of you beekeepers have donated that? I was truly amazed at the hardwork undertaken by her - CONGRATS !!
Welcome to the forum beewiz,pleased that one comment on the forum is correct.
Thanks for the report Beewiz.
Are you a new beek? I see you have no hives.
Where you are (roughly) located helps us all to understand your postings as location is relevant.

Did Mrs Havenhand mention any data ref. MRSA and Ecoli?
Would be quite interesting.
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Just to say that as amateur beeks with just a few hives you can't really compare our charity donations to a commercial enterprise.

Also, is the "Brother Adam's®Pure Botanical Honey" they are marketing something special or can we all produce similar?
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I don't think Brother Adam is producing honey any more...
I have met Mrs Havenhand when she gave a lecture at the National Honey show - she really fuelled us all to have all our honey's tested because she believes that the Kiwi's really are pulling a fast one on the British!

She told the audience that her honeys were tested regularly and advised where to get the testing done - why haven't any of you lot bothered todate? I have now tested mine ! And all is GREAT ! Maybe your honeys do not come up to scratch then !?

In relation to Trademarks - I do not own any but all names just like Coca-Cola all put their effort in their business and simply protect the same - so what is wrong with that!

One comment is right on this forum, we all scrap between ourselves and never move on .....why? oH why? It always seem to stem from jealousy, I feel.

Lastly, I have now visited Medibee in Sheffield, the week after the Honey Show and was amazed to find out that Mrs Havenhand's Medibee had donated over £7,000 to the Sheffield Childrens Hospital - this year - WOW ! How many of you beekeepers have donated that? I was truly amazed at the hardwork undertaken by her - CONGRATS !!

I do love one post wizards, in fact part of me suspects this is a wind up reply.

In response, to the reply :-

1) what tests are you referring too? it makes no sense as you don’t say what the special' tests are? And if you have had them yourself and passed then M***bee can hardly lay claim to a unique product?

2) they/she are a commercial business and out to sell you something, it would seem that you bought it big time, got NO problem with that but from your reply it just seems like you are spreading the gospel according to xxxxxxx. Are you and agent?

3) there is an issue with trademarks if you are suggesting medical benefits with no proven science (is there any?) and if so how the heck can one honey producer lay claim to it when surely all local honey would have it?

4) ‘jealousy’ from who? ‘we all scrap between ourselves’, but this is your first post? :)

4) did you really not understand the trademark issue that could be seen by using ‘Brother Adams’ – if it is registered it matters not as a challenge could be brought at anytime. By using that name is suggest an endorsement and a historic link - again sales/PR.

5) what on earth does giving to a local charity have to do with this thread? if they did it anonymously a) I would not know about it but would give them credit, b) as its done with publicity its just another mean of getting good PR – and you are help spread the word, you sure you are not and agent?

I don’t think you answered my questions in the end.

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And while you are answering both Jezd and my questions, can you please tell us how you gathered your honey (the one you've had tested) when you have no hives?
I think you're talking to yourselves............well not quite as I've just read it all again. :hat:

I'm pretty sure BeeWizz is just another spammer, probably working for Mrs Dooflip or ever her herself. I think I reported it as potential spam but with Admin being ill it hasn't been deleted.

Ignore folks, we are a vibrant community :grouphug: and don't need rubbish like this.

Can't say that I have, but willing to look and compare, any clues? I don't expect any prizes :) so won't be disappointed.

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