Deep breath... here goes!!

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welcome to the forum, are there beekeepers in your vicinity (1kl), if so you have a good chance of a hit but don't set your mind on it as most beekeepers use a swarm control methods to prevent this happening although you might get a wild swarm. Whats growing in the field beyond your hive ?
Plenty more?!?!? I'm in a state of almost permanent panic over this one and it's empty!! :)

Hmm we'll see - talking to my SBI last year with my apiary newly expanded to three I said I'd be happy with that amount, his answer was 'hmm we'll see'
Next time we met i was picking up a half dozen queen excluders in anticipation of expansion. It has a habit of getting a hold of you:)
Hmm we'll see - talking to my SBI last year with my apiary newly expanded to three I said I'd be happy with that amount, his answer was 'hmm we'll see'
Next time we met i was picking up a half dozen queen excluders in anticipation of expansion. It has a habit of getting a hold of you:)
Hi, hows the bees, have you got a swarm from that colony in the wall yet ?
Not yet, it's a bit cold for them to be really active (it's in a shaded spot) so I don't want to disrupt the colony too early but I'm hoping to get the trapping kit set up when I'm home end of next week
welcome to the forum, are there beekeepers in your vicinity (1kl), if so you have a good chance of a hit but don't set your mind on it as most beekeepers use a swarm control methods to prevent this happening although you might get a wild swarm. Whats growing in the field beyond your hive ?

Thanks. I know it's a long shot... but thought it worth a try. I'm also making friends with the local keepers. I know the village has had a few swarms collected last year. The field behind is grass (and lambs). The other side is OSR.
Thanks for you help!