Current honey price

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House Bee
Jun 15, 2013
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I will be selling pound and half pound jars of my Welsh honey at a local agricultural show next month. Would £6 and £3 a jar be too greedy ?
Probably depends on your area, but aside from that I'd be pricing the 1/2lb jars at slightly more than half price of the 1lb...say £3.50.
Too cheap in my opinion, I sell my half pound jars for £4 and 3/4 pound jars for £6. I find 1lb jars of honey don't sell well because of the price but the 3/4 pound one fly off the shelf (so to speak).
If your at a country show then you can sometimes get a bit more as it's sometimes an impulse buy and not buying on the weekly shopping trip.
I would say the pound jar price is right but definitely £3:50 for the half pound at least.
Depends upon competition... and cost of attending the show!

We find people do not want to buy 1lb jars, but will happily pay £10 for two 1/2 Lb jars!
One to eat and one for Granny!

remember the 5 pees...... Proper Presentation Prevents Poor Profits!

NEW jars and lids... properly designed label that conforms to the plethora of regulations... and of course nice honey!

Do not undersell yourself!

Good luck

Yeghes da
Last week, I bought an 8oz jar of local honey from a shop in Tintern (Monmouthshire) for £4.10.

My 8oz jars of honey sell for £5 in Cornwall, but my label's better.

I was in local coffee shop today and saw 4inch by 6inch block of capped comb for £10. Im a newbie but was shocked as its much cheaper at local farm store nearby. Is this expensive??
I was in local coffee shop today and saw 4inch by 6inch block of capped comb for £10. Im a newbie but was shocked as its much cheaper at local farm store nearby. Is this expensive??

I would think anything in a coffee shop would be more expensive than the equivalent item in a farm store.
In the coffee shop the price includes the ambience, heating, higher rent/area, etc.

You could buy an 8oz comb selection in Fortnum and Mason for £20. Location, location, location.
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I was in local coffee shop today and saw 4inch by 6inch block of capped comb for £10. Im a newbie but was shocked as its much cheaper at local farm store nearby. Is this expensive??

I wouldn't want less for 8ozs of cut comb.
Personally I'd be selling pound jars for £7 and half pound for £4. Beekeepers honey is a premium product.
My Cut comb goes for £6. Never figured why it was such a premium product as easy peasy to produce from say heather honey....take cut comb cutter and get into rhythm as you work your way through the supers, Singing, £6, £12, £18, £24, and onto the next super....all done in less time than it's taken me to write this. Although how one gets exactly 8oz pieces eludes me as my bees don't do uniform thickness...Same sized rectangle can weigh between 6 and 10oz's...non of your Tesco uniformity here!
I'm still interested in seeing how Poly Hive and others cut there's out. I just use the standard cutter with the press out...not show standard edges but I'm not in it for rosettes :) Those white plastic margarine type cut comb tubs with clear lids can hide a multitude of sins :D
A bit of plywood and a sharp knife. KISS

The cutter is messy and I tried it once some 20+ years ago and never since.

Too cheap in my opinion, I sell my half pound jars for £4 and 3/4 pound jars for £6. I find 1lb jars of honey don't sell well because of the price but the 3/4 pound one fly off the shelf (so to speak).
If your at a country show then you can sometimes get a bit more as it's sometimes an impulse buy and not buying on the weekly shopping trip.

12oz jars go for £5 on farmers markets here, so £6 for a 1lb is probably undercharging (£6.25 would be about right)
My Cut comb goes for £6. Never figured why it was such a premium product as easy peasy to produce from say heather honey....take cut comb cutter and get into rhythm as you work your way through the supers, Singing, £6, £12, £18, £24, and onto the next super....all done in less time than it's taken me to write this. Although how one gets exactly 8oz pieces eludes me as my bees don't do uniform thickness...Same sized rectangle can weigh between 6 and 10oz's...non of your Tesco uniformity here!
I'm still interested in seeing how Poly Hive and others cut there's out. I just use the standard cutter with the press out...not show standard edges but I'm not in it for rosettes :) Those white plastic margarine type cut comb tubs with clear lids can hide a multitude of sins :D

You have to keep the cutter HOT!
I use the dewaxer hot air blower ( well swimbo does) !!

Yeghes da
A bit of plywood and a sharp knife. KISS

Been there with template and the t-shirt. Takes far too long that way. Produces show standard cut comb thought and would be what I'd use if I showed my cut comb
With the cutter the comb lifts out with it and the plunger presses it straight back out directly into the tub. Couldn't be simpler.
Up down £6, up down, £12, Up down £18....and so on.

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