I have an overwintered nuc for the requeening. Thanks for the practical advice for combining.If I get a colony like that I choose a good hive for them to combine with. I then spend the winter gently moving the good hive towards the bad one so that in spring they are next to each other. On my first inspection on the hive from hell I will kill the rogue queen and immediately combine the hives together by putting the good hive with the good queen over the old one. Why do I do this?because if you wait until good queen's are available you are well into the season, finding the rogue queen is more difficult because the hive is bigger and by then they will be stroppy again. On the first inspection of the year I generally find that all hives are quiet and that is my one opportunity of finding the queen with some ease and dispatching her. I might get a second or even a third chance before the hive builds up if she is not found on the first occasion. A hive from hell, and I mean a real hive from hell, is a nightmare. The sooner you sort them in the season the better in my opinion! Good luck and let us know how it goes. Mine is all set up for my first inspection!