I produced a forecast a week ago:
"I did some numerical analysis assuming transmission cases increase as at present:
End of week forecast total infected.. this week 696
next week 4,200
Next +1 week 25,000
And assuming nothing changes - which it will not unless quarantine of London starts -
by mid May we will see 5.5million +/- 1 million..
We should be social distancing now...
Well the forecast end of this week was 4,200 infections.
We are currently at 3,983 so we are going to overrun the forecast tomorrow.
Next week was forecast at 25,000 - so that looks fairly certain
And the following week 150,000.
The UK's social isolation policy has come too late - in theory - to reduce that 150,000
total.But if stringently obeyed , it might start making a dent (incubation periods are 5-14 days for symptoms to appear after infection)
Meanwhile Italy with 627 deaths today has managed to exceed China's worst day. Study of user mobile phones in the worst affected area show voluntary social isolation is not working with 40% of those surveyed breaking the rules... Total infected is around 41,000. Hospitals are overrun.
If the UK does reach 150,000 in early April as the forecast suggest, we could be looking at daily death figures of current 35 ish x 150,000 /4,000 or around 1,300 a day..
That is a purely arithmetical calculation based on current death rates. No allowance is made for the total collapse of NHS Covid 19 treatments which would follow such huge numbers of patients... Or the improvements brought about by isolation..
This is a numbers game.. and so far the formula is pretty much working...
We personally will be taking steps to ensure we isolate totally from the poulation - apart from neighbours who I have advised to do the same if we see any total infections over 50,000 . And if we do, martial law is likely in my view..And rioting in London .