Compulsory registration?

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No John, paranoia is when it's imaginary - this is real!

I answered the original question about registration, and then a newbie innocently asked to whom I was referring, so I told him.......:biggrinjester:
No John, paranoia is when it's imaginary - this is real!

You sir obviously can't distinguish twix the two . Unfortunately the sufferer can't be both subjective and objective , you have my deepest sympathy :smilielol5:

John Wilkinson
Well, they made the trains run on time.........:rofl:

Is it more illegal to steal someones bees than to do 33mph in a 30 limit?


No, but the auto number recognition provides collars without even looking for them.
I'll register when EVERY hobby including animals -dog agility, show animals e.g rabbits etc, budgies, canaries etc have to register too. Why should I? The hobby is of great benefit to farmers & pollination, so why force registration on us and no one else?
why force registration on us and no one else?


I think the important thing is the disease issue. Theft, in this instance is a red-herring; the value of having beekeepers registered (Chris B was on the money with the point he made earlier) is that if disease, or exotic nasties are found in a locality everyone can be notified and their hives inspected. Of course, feral colonies are always going to fall outside of registration but that's hardly a positive reason for opposing the principle.

Maybe another route would be to make it a requirement for apiaries to be registered, although the problem there is that to be effective it would need to place the onus on the landowner which in turn might make it harder to get permission to set up new apiaries.

As I wrote earlier, in principle I'm not against the basic idea but I would be concerned about the details because one thing for sure, if compulsory regulation is applied it'll be here to stay; there won't be any going back.

Best Wishes,
I'll register when EVERY hobby including animals -dog agility, show animals e.g rabbits etc, budgies, canaries etc have to register too. Why should I? The hobby is of great benefit to farmers & pollination, so why force registration on us and no one else?

I'm with you Queens.
I feel registered to death at work. Please don't make my hobby go the same way.
Maybe another route would be to make it a requirement for apiaries to be registered, although the problem there is that to be effective it would need to place the onus on the landowner which in turn might make it harder to get permission to set up new apiaries.

And even more difficult if the beekeeping operation is kind of no fixed there and everywhere....would they need to just register the entire county/s as you apairy,or just apairy uk.
Maybe another route would be to make it a requirement for apiaries to be registered, although the problem there is that to be effective it would need to place the onus on the landowner which in turn might make it harder to get permission to set up new apiaries.

And even more difficult if the beekeeping operation is kind of no fixed there and everywhere....would they need to just register the entire county/s as you apairy,or just apairy uk.


I find that most of my ideas have serious flaws -but it doesn't stop me from coming up with more!

Registration only works if it has consequences.

So for example, beeks who contract some disease and are seen as the first source, lose their licences..

Otherwise, why bother?

Of course it would cost a lot as well. I cannot see the taxpayer funding it, so beeks will have to... via compulsory membership of the BBKA?

Having lit fuse, retires...
So for example, beeks who contract some disease and are seen as the first source, lose their licences..

I chalk brood or DWV.
And if said beekeeper is unfortified to have bees with in flying range of a packer? Gets disease from same??

Forget it all.

This has been debated for many many years. To no absolutely no avail.

The British are averse to declaring what they get up to to authority and so IMHO it should be.

This comes under the heading of cold way, warm way, top space bottom space.... yawn.

Oh PH stop pouring cold water over the never know the government might even give us subsidy for each bee, like for the farmers......can bee's get TB from badgers or cattle.:reddevil:
Yep i read that ******** your added comments....they will end up giving you a job i

already been served with a provisional redundancy notice for 31st march Transport for london looking for cut might need that job
already been served with a provisional redundancy notice for 31st march Transport for london looking for cut might need that job

Always sad to hear this kind of news MM ......... I believe we are all going to be in for a tough time, but hope you find something else soon.
Good luck MM. It's the long glide that brought me indirectly to bee keeping.

Fortunately a bit of prior prudence saw me in a reasonable position. Shame about the niche skills base being out of fashion.