Colony removal Hexham Northumberland

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I have been asked to source a competent and experienced person to remove a colony from a roof space. The bees have been there for at least two years and the house owner wants them gone asap.

If you are interested and have the experience and ability to do this pm me. Be aware that the room will need to be prepped with covers to a high standard and the removal of the plasterboard ceiling is very likely. Mess MUST be minimised. The client has high expectations which means the situation will need to be carefully managed to a very high standard.

It may well be that it will require a professional to manage this successfully.

I have been asked to source a competent and experienced person to remove a colony from a roof space. The bees have been there for at least two years and the house owner wants them gone asap.

If you are interested and have the experience and ability to do this pm me. Be aware that the room will need to be prepped with covers to a high standard and the removal of the plasterboard ceiling is very likely. Mess MUST be minimised. The client has high expectations which means the situation will need to be carefully managed to a very high standard.

It may well be that it will require a professional to manage this successfully.


Sounds like a customer from hell. If he's that desperate for no mess and a professional plasterer becomes involved I'm pretty sure it'll end in tears. Thanks but no thanks.
Useful post. No one ever tell you the customer is always right?

Those sort of details would have to be worked out with the client.

I have enough on my plate thanks and I hate cutouts.

:cool::cool::cool:Sounds like the sort of customer who is going to go in armed with fly spray if no one wants the job -- so that should be worth watching!:cool::cool:
Indeed. he is a scaffolder so not afraid of heights like me. anything higher than a foot stool and I am shaking.:ohthedrama:

Hello Mike..i had a colony to remove from a old water drain this year but i sacked the idea after having a think about it..two things that put me of doing it was i have no idea what the temperament or honey gathering capabilities they possess..also i would rather use my equipment to house bees of a know gentle honey monster strain rather than wasting my time and boxes on a unknown colony...
Hello Mike..i had a colony to remove from a old water drain this year but i sacked the idea after having a think about it..two things that put me of doing it was i have no idea what the temperament or honey gathering capabilities they possess..also i would rather use my equipment to house bees of a know gentle honey monster strain rather than wasting my time and boxes on a unknown colony...
Totally understand. I suspect it would be a lot of hassle for little or no gain.
I would save them if I could, if not doing so would lead to them being killed, no matter what their temperament or possible capabilities
I once saved a starvation swarm that came from our tree box. 50 bees and a queen. She was great and those few bees desperately trying to save the colony did her proud.
A thankless task. Walk away
I would save them if I could, if not doing so would lead to them being killed, no matter what their temperament or possible capabilities
I once saved a starvation swarm that came from our tree box. 50 bees and a queen. She was great and those few bees desperately trying to save the colony did her proud.

I have saved many thing's over the years and will continue to do so..however we have to draw a line some times.

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