Now I wonder if you had Carniolians?... because what you are describing fits my experience of our Native Black bee to a T!
I suspect that many inexperienced beekeepers would confuse the types
Big Yellow = Buskfast or Italians
Black = Carniolians*
* being unaware of the endemic black bee because everyone and his uncle knows it was wiped out by Acarine disease some time ago.
Amm I being pedantic... or has the drive down from London caused me to become jaded due to the cretinous attitude and inexperience of todays average arrogant young male motorists!
... there I was sitting at a comfortable 55 in the M4 fast lane and every BMW and AUDI in creation had to drive right up my exhaust... flash lights and swerve abusively.... and 55 is absolutely flat out on My motability scooter!!!
Yeghes da