With the Carnica's ... Would the use of 3 brood boxes, thus giving more space, help with their tendency to make QCs??
With the Carnica's ... Would the use of 3 brood boxes, thus giving more space, help with their tendency to make QCs??
I have a couple of colonies headed by Buckfast queens, but might try purchasing some Carnica queens to put into some new hives.
This is what Carniolans look like
I made a note in 2014 when setting out my plans for queen rearing:
to remove all Carniolan stock by requeening with Buckfast..
Too many swarmy or old queens so I need to replace the following Queens"
Say no more..
I think you can draw your own conclusions: any prolific queen would swarm if kept in an area that is too small
so what's the problem with doing that from local stock, eventually we would all get decent results.
And that is where it goes wrong, too many imports with the try this attitude. So you've already pumped some buckfast drones into your area and now want to do the same with carnis.
Personally, I would rather have a Carniolan OR a Buckfast from a reputable breeder than one of the unproductive, stinging, swarming mongrels most people on here seem to have
That queen had recently been introduced into the nuc. She is an island mated pure Carniolan (which I still have). Its not unusual to find a few drifters in a nuc in late July. Open any colony up now and see how long it is before you have company ;-)2 bees in the photo that don't look the same as the others, is this an indication that the queen is not pure?
Nature selects swarming and stinging.