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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2011
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I just complained to BT because the 'renew your contract' button wouldn't let me renew it but only gave me the option of paying more for a different contract when my actual contract would have been cheaper had they given me the opportunity.
This was followed by a phone survey via text. If I ticked 10 for pleased with the service it was free but if I clicked 4 for poor service they were going to charge me for the text...... When they ring me to discuss the complaint I think I might have a hey day with the caller!
That's bad.
And to think I was considering moving to BT next month when my present contract ends.

Maybe if you tell them you don't want to renew your contract they will offer you a cheaper deal to keep you
hi does BT its new type of virus 😁
if you have choice avoid BT long way around.
after 15 years had enough,thats socks,especially if you live in rural aeria like me.
30÷50£ for rubbish.
if you have choice take it Gigaclear or EE ,the first its fibre optic(I have ,incredible fast for 50£ 1Gbit/sec),EE More expensive but wo.worth any penny,,il
I have a good deal with them. I am pleased with the speed and the service. But this just made me cross!
Pity they seem to let themselves down like this.
Oh well!
Moved away from BT after having poor service and call centre folk who could hardly speak English. Moved to Plusnet some years ago - and they were soooo much better. Sadly BT have bought out Plusnet and at my last renewal - the service was poor. Billing has been wrong consistently and I have decided to move away from them next year.
Generally speaking they all leave a lot to be desired and don't deliver the goods as promised in my experience.
Good luck Enrico - give them what for.
Moved away from BT after having poor service and call centre folk who could hardly speak English. Moved to Plusnet some years ago - and they were soooo much better. Sadly BT have bought out Plusnet and at my last renewal - the service was poor. Billing has been wrong consistently and I have decided to move away from them next year.
Generally speaking they all leave a lot to be desired and don't deliver the goods as promised in my experience.
Good luck Enrico - give them what for.

BT have owned plusnet for over 10 years but have operated as a separate company.

I was with plusnet before moving to SKY which has been reasonable, I didn't find plusnet bad just that I got a better deal moving.
Both BT and Plusnet are very incompetent and it will take a very long time for them to resolve matters.
Last May I left plusnet as my service provider and began using a good wireless service provider. It has taken 3 separate complaints to both companies to get BT to believe I no longer have a landline service provider and for plusnet to adjust their system to show I left them in May. It has just been resolved

I do not believe any other company except a monopoly could get away with such shoddy work and still be in business . Just as well BT is a monopoly.
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It isn't, which is why you have all the other providers.

I thought someone would point that out. Its all about who owns the copper wire or the fibre optic cable - BT by a different name/sub company.
Other providers simply buy in from BT and then resell to you at whatever price they think can get away with by dressing it all up as choice. Did you know that most providers actually "throttle back" and control particularly upload speeds.
Phone and ISP ? I change at the drop of a hat.. Post Office at present.

Just white goods..
Worked in the industry since we had party lines and three digit phone numbers.

I remember party lines - we had one when my mother decided a phone would be handy to take delivery orders in the shop (way back before the big supermarkets think they invented home deliveries) it was shared with the house opposite and was very handy for clandestine conversations with their daughter who was my age :D
For a while, my grandparents also shared a line - with my grandfather's old rugby and miner mate up the road - being underground workers they were used to electric telegraph signals underground so they quickly set up a signalling system between the two households - it took a while for my grandmother and aunty Esme to realise the two weren't actually psychic :icon_204-2:
I remember party lines - we had one when my mother decided a phone would be handy to take delivery orders in the shop (way back before the big supermarkets think they invented home deliveries) it was shared with the house opposite and was very handy for clandestine conversations with their daughter who was my age :D
For a while, my grandparents also shared a line - with my grandfather's old rugby and miner mate up the road - being underground workers they were used to electric telegraph signals underground so they quickly set up a signalling system between the two households - it took a while for my grandmother and aunty Esme to realise the two weren't actually psychic :icon_204-2:

Yes .. we had a party line when I was a kid in Yorkshire... the neighbour we shared a line with had a dog which had a habit of answering their phone when it rang by knocking the handset off .. which then blocked the line until the neighbours returned home and put it back on the hook ! Wasn't the best system was it ?
can you answer a question that iv had going around my head, if you have superfast fiber broadband and it come down your phone wire how can it be called fiber when its really copper wire and not fiber, a lot of companies call it fiber when its not are they conning people and has anyone pulled them up on this.
FTTP vs FTTC broadband

can you answer a question that iv had going around my head, if you have superfast fiber broadband and it come down your phone wire how can it be called fiber when its really copper wire and not fiber, a lot of companies call it fiber when its not are they conning people and has anyone pulled them up on this.

Good explanation (and nice picture) here:

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