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There is fibre to the cabinet....the big green thing in the street..... That helps. Then there is fibre to the house which is from the cabinet to your phone link in the house. That is the quickest available.
We get it to the cabinet and have no problem streaming so I don't need it to the house yet. We are lucky that our cabinet is relatively close which also make a difference.
Sorry crossed with the previous post!
There is fibre to the cabinet....the big green thing in the street..... That helps. Then there is fibre to the house which is from the cabinet to your phone link in the house. That is the quickest available.
We get it to the cabinet and have no problem streaming so I don't need it to the house yet. We are lucky that our cabinet is relatively close which also make a difference.
Sorry crossed with the previous post!

We have fibre to the cabinet but as the cabinet is 4 miles from our property and the bit between is wet string hanging on poles this post has arrived on the forum by going up to a satellite, down to a ground station in Turin and then into the "normal" interweb, at £50 a month. We do normally get 20 Mbps though.
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Ask yourselves who has invested in the network infrastructure? When the Tories carved it up and 'privatised', bye bye non essential maintenance. Carved up even further into various ISP companies, the same old infrastructure that in some rural locations were desperate to provide 'speach' for farmer Palmer is now expected to carry data so Tarquin and Prudence can run their online company.
We have fibre to the cabinet but as the cabinet is 4 miles from our property and the bit between is wet string hanging on poles this post has arrived on the forum by going up to a satellite, down to a ground station in Turin and then into the "normal" interweb, at £50 a month. We do normally get 20 Mbps though.

I think maybe you are being ripped off.
I use a wireless service provider as well and get 50mbps upload and download for £30 per month - which is less than BT quoted for only 5mbps with their system !!
I get 35 mb for £27.50. another £5 buys me a mobile SIM with unlimited text and phone and 1gb of data. No complaints with all that. Just their selling method!

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