Dead easy Finamn...just keep moving full honey frames upwards. Try it...you'll be pleasantly surprised if you are running all on medium langstroth.And who keep bees as "moving frames around".
Dead easy Finamn...just keep moving full honey frames upwards. Try it...you'll be pleasantly surprised if you are running all on medium langstroth.And who keep bees as "moving frames around".
Dead easy Finamn...just keep moving full honey frames upwards. Try it...you'll be pleasantly surprised if you are running all on medium langstroth.
If I move from brood and s half to double brood is it ok to use the ‘half’ (super) as a honey super as it will have previously had brood in. Obviously if old or black I wouldn’t use. Does brood comb affect the taste of honey?Well said!
See below:
. Does brood comb affect the taste of honey?
If I move from brood and s half to double brood is it ok to use the ‘half’ (super) as a honey super as it will have previously had brood in. Obviously if old or black I wouldn’t use. Does brood comb affect the taste of honey?
Most will have different opinions, but provided there is no brood at all in the comb and has only had brood in for a cycle or two, my answer would be yes it is OK, and I think the majority would agree.
Finman - depends on how you run your hives. I use queen excluders and never extract from the brood chamber. Prefer to leave them that honey. The amount of my honey crop is not of paramount importance, but the welfare of my bees is.
And honey has nothing to do with wellfare of overwintering bees. It is pollen which has meaning in nutrition.
Hi Finman,
Do you feed a pollen substitute to get the bees started in Spring?
If so, when do you feed it.
I would go further in putting "the minority do not know".Most will have different opinions, but provided there is no brood at all in the comb
and has only had brood in for a cycle or two, my answer would be yes it is OK, and
I think the majority would agree.
Finman - depends on how you run your hives. I use queen excluders and never
extract from the brood chamber. Prefer to leave them that honey. The amount
of my honey crop is not of paramount importance, but the welfare of my bees is.
Fin is so entrenched in
getting it wrong for 50 years, on many a basic topic...has to be a Vit.D
deficiency I reckon
Fin is so entrenched in
getting it wrong for 50 years, on many a basic topic...has to be a Vit.D
deficiency I reckon
with other Aussie b'keeps tis just
how it is done here [.au].
I wo
getting it wrong for 50 years, on many a basic topic...has to be a Vit.D
deficiency I reckon
More of the same.
Posters trying to emulate Finman, but living in a different climate.
Posters trying to make out that Finman is wrong in harvesting honey?
And now they are eating brood!
Do you eate horses in Britain?
Only if you shop at the “cheap” supermarkets for your beef burgers
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
How the F (your terminology) does feeding pollen substitute in Finman’s climate correspond to feeding same in the west midlands of the UK?