Queen Bee
Have been very happy with my Plusnet connection for the last 3 years- the connection speed has been good (all things considered) as we're at the end of a line that appears to be constituted mostly of wet string. BUT, one of their highly annoying adverts came on the box last night, and it caused me to check the latest rates - considerabubbly lower for "untrestricted" than what I was paying for 120gb a month - upshot was that a swift 'phone call has resulted in my rate more than halving on a much better deal... (and the promise of a new whizzy modem for free) - SO, my tip is that you check what you're paying for broadband, and make sure you hassle your provider for the best deal - it's too easy to be left on an "old" higher rate. If you need a good provider, I wouldn't hesitate to give Plusnet a plug - they've overall been excellent, and have UK call centres...........