Breeding for mite tolerance

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He sees rocks as his wife rocks him to sleep. Does she sing to him as she throws the rocks? Only the Finman can say.
The most important thing I learned from Bill Clinton is what the meaning of the word is is.

Fortunately, most Americans have a taste for political theater. We are likely to elect an even more entertaining president this fall. Sarcastic disdain - something the dog drug up that the cat won't touch.
Often I think a girl, whom I met 1974. She had so tiny little tits. And nice smile.

You would get a 'dishonourable discharge' (water in your smoker and they would snap your bee brush) from my association with a joke like that Finman.:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
Come to think of it, she sounds familiar! :D
Honey will keep the blood pressure under control.

How BeeJayBee? The last I read on here, was that there was no evidence to back that up....unless you are joking of course and I've missed the point.(which wouldn't surprise me)
See "interesting read" thread by Redwood.:)
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Healthy man's blood pressure .... 60 min later....

What idea is in that? High pressure during several years. Not minutes.

When writers here do not even know what means high blood pressure..

And like I measured 2003: Low pressure is on dangerous level

High Low pressure streches the blood vessel walls and the high peak bursts vessel. You may have in the head several vessels, where you may have an enlargening.
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When you go into a hot bath, your low pressure goes down, because your skin vessels become open, and tissue friction in vessels is smaller.

When you are in chilly temp, body redudes peripherial blood circulation, and low pressure us higher.

And so on. And what does that above means. Nothing with healthy person.
Not much worse than high low pressure - almost as bad as low high pressure - can play havoc with your haemorrhoids

What ever... But it must be some context, when figures are normal and when dangerous. Just offering honey, is nonsense.
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Thanks for those references Hivemaker. Firstly, It's Sunday pm and I've just had my evening meal. You can be cruel HM. lol:sos:
They are going to take some time to 'digest' after a quick scan of the papers as you can imagine, but.....
In the first by reaserchgate, as Finman said, the effect is short term and I would have liked to see the results include other simultaneous substances used so the results could not be tainted by simple 'satisfaction' cryteria. I know that if i take my BP when I am hungry (stressed) and then shortly after I have eaten, then my BP is also reduced. Whether by nutrients or otherwise I cannot say.
The other study is also along the same lines with the 'control' (water only, think sport luc*s*de as to opposed to water as an effective 'pick-me-up as seem on TV) and so limits specualtion to some extent. In both studies they refer to Glucose as BP enhancing stimulus. Is that by chemical reaction or osmotic effect in the blood stream, baring in mind that honey has higher fructose levels per ml than glucose. Fructose, of the top of my head, has less osmotic effect than glucose equivelant and is absorbed more slowly and utilised than glucose.
It's true that I have only quickly scanned these papers (too much for my brain at this time of the evening) but the studies do seem to show some correlation between honey sugars as opposed to distilled water. I am curious however as to what other food stuffs could mimic the BP lowering effect. I cannot however debunk these papers to be fair. Pity they didn't include more then just honey as a comparison though. May repost when I've had a good look at the papers....providing my head hasn't exploed!:)

Plus just a quick 'google'
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Goran has found some interesting short cuts on 'an interesting read' thread if anyone is interested.:)
When you go into a hot bath, your low pressure goes down, because your skin vessels become open

What nonsense!
The blood vessels constrict or dilate to regulate heat. This has nothing to do with blood pressure which is controlled by the beating of the heart.

All of this is :offtopic: and has nothing to do with varroa mite tolerance
What nonsense!
The blood vessels constrict or dilate to regulate heat. This has nothing to do with blood pressure which is controlled by the beating of the heart

Listen now baby. Take a a apparatus and measure that yourself.
Do you even have blood pressure meter?

If you know, Low pressure comes via friction and resist of the tissues. Heart pressure is controlled by kidney, when it commands more blood into kidneys.

.I am now speaking about variation on pressure, how easily it can be changes.

How many bleeding you have had inside your head?

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All of this is :offtopic: and has nothing to do with varroa mite tolerance

Now take some honey that your pressure drops.

IT is strange that you did not attack against the idea, that honey can protect you against high blood pressure.
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Irrelevant. The topic of this thread is "Breeding for mite tolerance". Can we get back to the subject please?

I did not started that discussion. You bark again a wrong tree. Choose next time right target, which is easier.

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