Best time and method to gain new colony??

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New Bee
Feb 17, 2019
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Hi there,
This is my first year at beekeeping, I have 1 hive at present but want to expand that next year as early as possible. Am I best off waiting until next year or is there a way I can do it this year, will they have enough time to prepare for winter?
What would be the best method for gaining a new colony? Shall I buy a nuc or is there an effective way to spilt my existing colony? Ideally I'd like to end up with about 4 colonies.
Many thanks
Yes you could buy a nuc. Or depending on how strong your current hive is make up a queenless nuc from them and buy in a queen. Or several other permutations.
Plenty of time.

Ohhh and welcome to the "madhouse" :)
I would reserve a nuc from a reputable supplier now.
Wait for your colony to make swarm preparations and split. Then you’ll have three. One half of the split and your spring delivered nuc will give you honey.
I would reserve a nuc from a reputable supplier now.
Wait for your colony to make swarm preparations and split. Then you’ll have three. One half of the split and your spring delivered nuc will give you honey.

Yes that's what I'd do ...get the existing colony as strong as possible and well fed for winter .. get that one through the winter .. order a Nuc for early spring delivery .. split your existing colony in spring when and if they show swarm preps or if they don't look as though they are going to swarm split when there is a decent flow and they have built up and either let them raise their own queen or buy one in. (Make sure mated queens are available before you split if you are going to buy a queen).

There is still time to split into two this year with a bought in queen but I'd prefer to take a strong colony with drawn frames and plenty of stores into winter (as a beginner) than two nucs.
If your confident and the colony is now a reasonable size buy a queen and split. Insurance for a winter loss and no need to pay a high price for a spring nuc

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