Beliefs of Forum Members...

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What do you believe in?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Non-believer

    Votes: 68 58.1%

  • Total voters
it is easier to not believe than to believe.

just as a matter of interest, did you see the report on channel 4 news last night about the millionaire preachers in Nigeria?

pretty clear that there's not much 'religion' going on there :rolleyes:

"This time last year I was in the gutter. I had nothing. I was a tramp. Then this man found me *points to preacher*, now a year later I have two cars and a big house and I preach." ...... lots of "praise the lord" ...... Big Guns Preacher stands up ........ I want everyone here to be driving around in a Lamborghini this time next year ........... everyone leaves after lots more Praise Da Loawd and throws their hard earned cash at his feet..... poor thing has to fill up dustbins with the stuff and off he toddles in his brand new Hummer - Yellow with all the trimmings and goes and parks it in his compound with his other 3 top of the range yellow cars.

Praise Da Loard indeed. *grabs his dustbin in hope*
Guess as a clergyman I have to own up to being a Christian - and proud of it.

The problem is, nowadays people don't listen to each other.
Believers don't listen to the questions and rightful complaints of unbelievers.
Unbelievers don't listen to the still small voice at the centre of faith.

Too much noise. Not enough quiet reflection.
I believe in all the major religions :)
I believe they are all political, a blue print for social intercourse and like mindedness to promote working relationships/kinship's etc!
I believe all religious texts were formulated and written by the hand of man and that all claims to their being the word of God are claimed to add gravitas to their meaning .
I believe all are VALID for the above reasons!
I believe in GOD as an entity! my reasons for this being my own ! .

Without , Faith, trust and belief of some kind , humankind , with it's foreknowledge of death would see the futility of life in the first place !

Most Atheists , whilst not believing in any God ,have never the less been brought up within the tenets of one religion or another and therefore their sense of right and wrong , politeness and rudeness , justice and injustice have been honed during their burgeoning years by example!
:iagree:with Dusty and VM

It seems these days that non believers (of anything) are getting so fervent and evangelistic in their non beliefs that they've gone and created a new religion for themselves.
I believe that if you scrape away the different names and labels of most religions you'll find that most people believe there is some kind of singular being/force whatever out there - that's why tolerance of other beliefs is more important than ever. (I'm even nice to Methodists and Baptists :D)

If you don't have faith you have nothing
:iagree:with Dusty and VM

It seems these days that non believers (of anything) are getting so fervent and evangelistic in their non beliefs that they've gone and created a new religion for themselves.
I believe that if you scrape away the different names and labels of most religions you'll find that most people believe there is some kind of singular being/force whatever out there - that's why tolerance of other beliefs is more important than ever. (I'm even nice to Methodists and Baptists :D)

If you don't have faith you have nothing

:iagree: Catholic, but sympaphise with anyone who has faith...
:iagree: Catholic, but sympaphise with anyone who has faith...

Presumably you mean Roman Catholic?

1) Is the Pope infallible? Really - all of them always?
2) Do you really believe in transubstantiation?
:iagree:with Dusty and VM

It seems these days that non believers (of anything) are getting so fervent and evangelistic in their non beliefs that they've gone and created a new religion for themselves.
I believe that if you scrape away the different names and labels of most religions you'll find that most people believe there is some kind of singular being/force whatever out there - that's why tolerance of other beliefs is more important than ever. (I'm even nice to Methodists and Baptists :D)

If you don't have faith you have nothing

I think a lot of atheists feel under attack. I/we thought that after Darwin, religion would just gently peter out, with Jehovah going the same way as Jupiter, Zeus, Odin et al. Now, thanks largely to american evangalists, religion is making a comeback.

Given that there are (I have heard it said by a serious researcher into CCD) 3 potential presidential candidates who believe that the bees have been taken to heaven to make lots of honey ready for everyone arriving on the day of judgement- I cannot think this is an entirely good thing. This is not an entirely random example- proof denies faith, therefore religion requires you to shape your life around things that de facto cannot be demonstrated to be correct- therefore anything goes, and can can be considered fact because it is said to be so.

Ask any suicide bomber.
Presumably you mean Roman Catholic?

1) Is the Pope infallible? Really - all of them always?
2) Do you really believe in transubstantiation?

You presume correct...

1) No, there have been some genuinely evil people who have led the Church.

2) Yes - otherwise you're not really Catholic.
Lol Roman Catholic hmmmmm - with roll models like Anne Widicome Catholacism is going to falter. What a poisonous toad she is. There is a rather brilliant face slapping session that shows brilliantly what effect stupidity and denial of the facts has on a group of people with a brain. BBC debate on "is Catholacism a force for good in the world". Anne is for, along with a Bishop of some note and Stephen Fry against. They count who is for and against at the beginning of the debate. I believe there were a couple of thousand people there including nuns and priests. At the beginning it was a fairly even split. Through her clumsy zealot rantings of obvious delluded belief Anne manages to lose them almost to a man. It is a brilliant debate on U Tube and well worth a watch.
Richard Dawkins attacks faith equally aggressively...

Now him along with (and I hate to say it Derren Brown) need shooting. Proof is not as a result of the "because I say so defence". He is a complete toilet. I have watched many of his so called serious investigations and i find him just as bad as Anne but on the other end of the scale. I say this He says, so therefore it's fact and I have shown why so there. Any proof must have ended up on the cutting room floor because he has not shown it. I slammed him to the wall with a four paragraph assessment of his investigative abilities and his reply was not curt. It was a snobby rant lol. Derren Brown who hero worships Dawkins and who was a former religious zealot himself is just as bad with his investigations into the paranormal/conspiracy theories/religion/ESP/ and many other fields. I wonder if they actually watch and read what they are representing. Their "proofs" actually prove nothing but instead show their own opinion with virtually no proof to substantiate these so called facts.

Again I challenged Derren over these groundbreaking truths he supposedly reveals and that in fact it looked like a television personality editing the situation to show what he wanted. In fact he just looked like a smug bully. And guess what happened - my contribution - even when resubmitted several times ended up on the forum editing room - cut from the feedback. Why - money. Because point out the obvious - see it conflicts with ratings - delete. Same with Dawkins. Money. They are NOT on telly to help people see the light or because they care - just to make money. That's it.

The others you mention Ben - Mother T (did this NOT for religious recognition she did it because it was in her nature. She didn't do it because she was religious. She did it in spite of her religion. She was made famous by others not because she aimed to become famous.) - the Pope - omg I think that he is no role model. Have you read his CV before becoming pope. Sorry Ben I appreciate faith and have my own Beliefs but Catholicism is would be the very last thing I turned to. The VERY last.
You presume correct...

1) No, there have been some genuinely evil people who have led the Church.

2) Yes - otherwise you're not really Catholic.

1) Mmmmmmmmmmmm quite!

2) But you can prove and easily demonstrate that the "wine" remains "wine" and the "bread" remains "bread"........
I can easily understand that for a believer it represents the body and blood but as it can be proved that it doesn't undertake any transformation the tenet is demonstrably wrong and therefore...........

Anyway I'll leave you to your own belief this is a beekeeping forum not a theological one after all - No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
Presumably you mean Roman Catholic?

1) Is the Pope infallible? Really - all of them always?
2) Do you really believe in transubstantiation?

The creed of the Anglican church reads the same as the Roman church, including the Line,
"I believe in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church"


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